Spain War Update

Day 378, 23:21 Published in South Africa South Africa by Black8Shadow

So this is what happened last me talking to Danie:

“Danie it’s been hectic bru, a war zone crap all over the place no time to drink any Jack but just had a coke and a smoke. The R4 well you should know nice but man does not do the damage what I’d give for a SCAR-H even a AK now and you know how I prefer the M4 but need the fire power its just spray and pray here, last fight the R4 broke it was down to the Glock 22 .40S&W luckily I had my 4 extended clips with me, it got me out of the shit bru thank Mr. Gaston Glock for me our maybe I’ll swing over to Austria myself after this too go see the man. But hell bru, what I need is some Med Kits wont you an the boys try make a plan Executive Outcomes isn’t paying for this one so I am on my own, apart from the few Spaniards I have met here, very nice people but they got their own issues to deal with. Over and Out we got incoming artillery rounds got to get cover.”

And then boom boom and a really big boooooooom… and I wake up in the hospital in the Canary Islands now let me tell you the hospital sucked for one no pretty nurses two, very little meds so there I was screwed and still looking for phate my buddy I’ve come to look for and hookup with and fight together with in the first place, but now a bit of a lost cause. Wellness down to 20% we no fighting anymore. After some time in the crappy hospital some med kits arrive all the way from SA not from the girls, but from Browski one of my new friends I made in SA well as his name says “Bro” he turned out to be a real pal with this, I managed to get better to move to a better hospital in Spain, Asturias, much better and better looking nurses, a man could really recover well here, sorry girls, but I feel a bit lonely and you don’t send me anything so… but any case what happens in Spain stays in Spain, except maybe this one thing: Now who did I follow here… phate, who have I been looking for… phate, guess who winds up next to me in the hospital…. phate, after I told him to get himself moved here, now the man is on his stomach lying next to me and this is what can not stay in Spain….. with a horrid looking thing sticking out of his ass sorry buddy the people has got to know about the dangers of war, looks like a piece of metal or something the doctors are going to remove it today but I thing its going to leave a scar on his ass cheek and ego. I mean how do you get something that big stuck in your left bud cheek… then again maybe I can understand things go wrong in war. Any case here we are recovering thanks to my buds in the US for sending some gifts. I am feeling better. Metal de Transicion has given me a job after I contacted them and upped my salary nice people!!! But I’ll probably be leaving soon to return and have some R&R in SA and be back for election on the 5th, I hope, hell got a headache just thinking about that… who’s going to the next president? Any case here we are now and maybe I recover enough too have one more go at it or not time for Mioshee’s Jack Daniels treatment…. for now. There is no Klipdrift here boys so Jack will do fine! And thanks for everybody at home trying to help, Compmage for all your support writing to your contacts in Spain trying to get some aid to us!

So some advise for you guys wanting to go to war:

1.Recon Recon Recon make sure you base yourself in an area where there is a good hospital Q4 or Q5 above not like me and my now moaning pal here lying next to me with the ass problem.

2.Making sure you have good support before leaving not like me having no support and relying on pure luck! People have got to send you gifts!

3.Take good weapons with, but the locals might send you some like I asked and I got thanks MVerslayer!!!

4.Stay for awhile to get use the questions they are different from SA ones, get settled in before going off to a battle.

Now Girls I have sent you some money you can keep it as a souvenirs. I’ll be sending you money from every country I go fight in, but you girls have really got to help a man out next time!
Ok that’s enough writing time to attempt a Jack Daniels drip on phate he is moaning again!
Oooo, nice nurse, remember to vote up the article if you like it, Over and Out.