Spain: Does The Rain Really Fall Mainly On The Plain?

Day 738, 12:23 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

No, it doesn’t. In fact, as far as I can tell, it never rains at all in eRepublik. But while I didn’t learn about Spanish Rain-Plain Relations while here, I did learn a little more about the relations between our countries. If the eUS had entered the Brolliance with any country other than eCanada it most likely would have been eSpain. Since the days of Atlantis the two countries have been incredibly close, and to this day many would list Spain as one of America’s closest allies. Before Americans went to work in Greece they went to Spain. From there they could earn more money while still being able to fight for their homeland. The people of Spain gave them a warm welcome and as a result for many of the veteran players in the US, Spain because more than just an ally on paper. People began to know more about their Spanish allies then they did about some other countries that they were just as allied with. The alliance became a personal one.

Sadly recent events have made some in Spain quite upset with the US. The issue in question is the attempt to end the war with France. America accepted the French peace proposal, and as a result the border that the two countries share is no longer an open war that could be dangerous to either side. Spain thinks this was a mistake on our part. The Spanish President, folker, published an article in which he explained that his country felt the US went about this treaty the wrong way. He says that he would have liked to have seen more communication with our allies before signing the peace proposal. Furthermore folker seems to be upset in his article that the US didn’t get more out of the treaty, which he thinks favors France. From what I read it appears that he thinks we should have been paid back for some of the damage France did not only to the eUS, but also to eSpain. The Spanish government also points out the possible opportunity that the MPPs the French invasion activated presented.

Now what does this all mean? Does Spain expect Gold from France? Does Spain want to invade France? Just how much did the lack of communication between the US and Spain hurt relations between the two countries? Well I too would love to know the answers to questions like these. So I asked some of them, as well as others, to President folker. He agreed to do an interview with me, but sadly never answered any of the questions I sent him and has not responded to any PMs since. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the answers to these questions are.

The general attitude of folker’s article did get me thinking though. If allies can upset each other that easily, even if it’s not to the extent that their relationship changes drastically, then why can’t enemies make peace that easily? With PEACE GC officially dissolved, the US should be looking to add countries to its friend list. Even if it’s only baby steps toward better relations, it’s still steps. Because if I’ve learned one thing about war in eRepublik, it’s that the country with the most allies usually has the advantage. So maybe it would be smart for the US to start breaking the old PEACE vs. Atlantis mindset and think about what countries would be best to ally with. Should we leave allies like Spain and Canada behind? No, but just because we’re allies with them doesn’t mean we can’t start new relationships with other countries, including some former PEACE countries. Of course I’ve barked up this tree before, so let’s move on and take a look at the numbers from Spain.

eUS GDP: 5056.85 Gold
eSpain GDP: 3722.95 Gold
eUS Exchange Rate (USD to Gold): 40.13:1
eSpain Exchange Rate (ESP to Gold): 33.34:1
eUS Active Population: 3913
eSpain Active Population: 3105

Aside from whatever happened with my interview with President folker my time in Spain has been nice. It’s clear why our two countries are allies, and I know that even if we hit the occasional bump in the road we will stay allies. The eWorld Tour is almost over, and I’m both sad and happy about it. It has been fun, and it appears that people have enjoyed the articles, but it’s also strange to be in a new country every week. I have one last stop to make. Normally this is where I give you a hint about what that stop is going to be, but this time I’ll leave you with these words. The last article of the eWorld Tour will be something that many people would never have seen coming, a few might suspect, and only a handful actually know. Thanks for reading, and I hope you join me for my last stop.