South Korea - New Life, New Experiences, and a New Start

Day 614, 23:01 Published in Japan France by Yonai Keiko

Look around you on this day. What do you see? When I look, I see death, I see destruction. Citizens losing interest in life and allowing themselves to surrender to the Reaper. Entire nations engulfed by foreign nations hungry for power. War is devastating previously happy nations with its horrors. And through all this misery I see the poor citizens trying to navigate through this world, climbing the ladders of power only to be thrown off by their governments. Governments that act more like private clubs, than servants of the people. There are havens of peace in the world, places that the war has not touched yet, but these are few in number, and very rarely does this group of nations gain a new member. So when this rare moment occurs, I feel it necessary to bring news of it to every corner of the eWorld. To all those struggling citizens who wish for a new beginning, where they are not excluded for being new or simply not being part of the 'in-crowd', this news is of great importance.

In the month of August, this very next month, the South Korean Community will decide whether to stay in union with Japan, or liberate Gyeongsangnam-do and begin the path to independence. Three months ago the South Korean government, congress, business leaders, and the overall population voted to give up our sovereignty for Japan's protection until such a time that we felt our nation was ready to come back to the eWorld. The South Korean Community may be small, but we are devoted. South Korea is our nation, and we are determined to ensure its success for all future citizens. The support from our friends in Japan and other nations around the world helps us in a magnitude that is only superseded by one act. This act is the bringing of a new member to our community.

As I said before, our community is a small one, that means that citizens from around the world who wish for that fresh start can find one with us. Rise to the top of the political chain, helping to improve the nation with fresh ideas. Try your hand at business management, in what will be one of the most open free markets in all the eWorld. Organize your fellow citizens in the military and ensure that South Korea will always have a line of defense against those who threaten our sovereignty by military means. Or work as a community leader, defending the nation not just from soldiers and tanks, but from political take-overs and those who seek congressional seats only for the gold. Even if you with simply to be a 'normal' citizen, your opinion will always be valued by others in the nation, and your voice WILL be heard. Can you say that about the large 'powerful' nations of Hungary, Indonesia, and America?

If you truly wish to help South Korea and start yourself a new life with the liberation of Gyeongsangnam-do, simply drop by our forums and get registered. Start helping us organize life with independence, and meet all the leaders and members of our community! Stay in your overpopulated, war-torn nation, or give something new a chance, the choice is yours.

-Yonai Keiko
Former President of South Korea
Active Member of the South Korean Community

IRC: #eSouthKorea @

P.S. Get this to international and I will pay everyone who voted 1 gold. 😛 I'll be making a real article soon, don't worry.