Sorry Mexico **UPDATE**

Day 693, 18:35 Published in Mexico USA by Joe Newton

**UPDATE** I have backed out of the PP race.
Believe me now?

NOTE: Apparently my poor knowledge of Spanish is so bad that I shouldn’t even try to write my articles in it. So, because of that, this article is only in English.


Apparently, I’ve caused quite a stir, with some good people thinking I am trying to TO the great nation of Mexico.

This is not so. My deepest apologizes to anyone who I had worried. I really just want to help. I was actually got quite upset by everyone thinking I was trying to do harm to Mexico.

So, for that reason, I’ll clarify my reasons for coming here.

I chose Mexico for a few reasons.

1. Its a lot smaller than the eUS, enabling me to be heard easier, and potentially do more good.
2. I’ve heard good political things about it
3. I want to practice my Spanish skills (obviously they are not that good.)

I hope this clears things up.
Please accept my apology.

Traditional Quote:

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation. It is better be alone than in bad company." -George Washington

Now, for your amusement, kittens!

PS: If anyone would like to be a sort of “Spanish mentor” to me, that would be greatly appreciated. They’d help me with the Spanish language for when I have to use it, and help me out with Mexico’s past.