Sorry eIsrael

Day 1,102, 12:28 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

I would like to apologize to eIsrael for leaving without saying goodbye. After getting many nasty messages directed at me personally I had enough with this game. Im glad I was impeached and sam is now in office and I wish him all the best.

You can skip to the end if you want to ignore my self pity and repetitiveness. Skip to my words of advice to future administrations.

Again I apologize for leaving eIsrael like that. It wasnt right. But I would like to say I am quitting/quit the game but I knew I needed to make a formal announcement before I left.

Just Like to say a few things before I leave:

ONE Alliance -

I wrote the article after being asked many times from Joe Franco. It was a simple short article and didnt think it would receive the attacks that it did. I wrote the countries and the names of presidents that he gave me and he read the article and he didnt say their was any problem with it till after the complaints. I dont want to be the scapegoat for this project if it fails.

Joe did put much time into it and deserves much praise for his work. He is a great guy.

This alliance was created with the best of intentions. Those who think we have a shot of getting into EDEN are smoking crack to put it simply. EDEN has been rejecting us since Adam banged eve and it simply isnt going to happen especially if eIsrael continues the path it has been on.

I never promised to get us into EDEN. I said I would try and it was arranged for us to be discussed in a summit.

Everything regarding EDEN was sketchy from day one. Supposedly Dean made us trail members but it was never set in stone or widely accepted. Apparently previous administrations had not been in contact with EDEN for quite some time so when I attempted to reopen communication channels with them we where met with hostility due to the fact that for months no one communicated with them.

I never received information on who to contact who to meet with what obligations we had etc. The previous governments and officials told us nothing. We had to start from phase 1.

The purpose of ONE was to create a new fresh diplomatic approach for eIsrael instead of the same old thing that had failed for months.

It was intended to create new bonds and bring new prestige to eIsrael. Thats all.

I quit the game so I dont care if you go on saying Im the reason we failed to get into EDEN...ever. Its a good explanation for our diplomatic problems. Simplification is the way to go.

Now with that onto the way some words for sam and other eIsraeli Presidents:

- Becoming President is easy the hard part is keeping everyone happy once your in.

- Your better off doing little to improve the country and instead staying on friendly terms with everyone then making hard decisions and sacrifices for the future then having many people turn against you.

- Dont trust anyone. Everyone you surround yourself with no matter how capable how respected or active is only in it for themselves. They all have personal goals and agendas and you are nothing more then a stepping stone for them. Friends aswell. No one is your friend no matter how much you think you know them. I learned this the hard way.

- Better to do most the work yourself then delegate it to others. This way your guaranteed stuff will get done how you wnat it and when you want it.

- Dont surround yourself with recycled politicians or Ex Presidents. You would think they will give you advice or words of wisdom but they wont. They will talk down to you and take over. There are exceptions to this rule but they are rare.

- Activity in eIsrael is always low. So make use of what active enthusiastic players there are no matter how young. If they are willing to learn and work they are the most valuable tools for you.

- In eIsrael the Status quo no matter how bad is actually good. Work hard to maintain the status quo and you will be loved.

- Dont talk too much. Write an article maybe once a month and have it translated. A well informed public is a bad thing. If you try to keep the people informed and respect them it will only bite you in the ass later. Say few words and what you do say make it count.

- Kiss ass. Just kiss ass and pretend to be the bitch. If you try to stand up for yourself its worse in the end. eIsrael has many egos so there will be plenty of ass to go around and make sure you kiss it all thoroughly and good. Get behind the cheeks. Get the gouch. It was to be all thoroughly loved.

eIsrael is an interesting country to say the least. Crazy if you want. But despite how much I hate it I still love it. Its a country of the few and the angry. Its a country that will eat you alive if you try to pet it and feed it a cookie. If you get too much eIsrael you turn out like Daniel Ender. Its best to come here for a quick holiday and then get the fudge out as fast as you can.

As far as Im concerned Im sorry to say but eIsrael will stay the same for quite some time. Its a small barely active divided country with more then half the country trying to lead it in their own way.

Everyone thinks they knows whats best but in the end no one does and even if they do they have no want to implement it.

Ive enjoyed being here learned a lot met many interesting people. Too many to name but you all know who you are. Enemies or friends.

So with that I would just like to say....

Those are my pictures so no one can bitch about there being no pictures.

Scarface is supposed to be me climbing to the top and then falling. eIsrael was my drug empire.

Also after seeing what the admins have planned for this game it only seems to be getting worse then better.