Sons of South Africa - I Am Ajay Bruno...Again!

Day 698, 12:00 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

SA:Why are thy clones still alive?
AB:For that, I salute the admins!
SA: This is our country, so take them somewhere else, and don't join our parties.
AB: I bring PTO to South Africa!
But I'll say that your government is the PTOer.
SA:We don't log on every day to read your BS.
SA: There are too many idiots already.
AB😒ons of South Africa, I am Ajay Bruno!
SA: That's obvious, who'd make such a pointless article anyways.
AB: I came to ruin South Africa!
I AM Ajay Bruno!
SA: Yes, you've already said that once.
AB: I see a nation that united against me,
here, to defy tyranny.
You've come to vote as free men,
but you can only vote once.
What will you do with that vote?
Will you vote me?
SA: Against our own country? You've got to be kidding us.
AB: Aye, vote against me. And you may have a good country.
But in your dying beds, many years from now,
would you be willing to trade all that prosperity,
that came from not voting me,
for one chance,
just one chance,
to come back here,
and tell the world,
that I might have lost my reputation,
I might lost my credibility,
but I'll never cease to produce.. FAILURE!!!
SA: Yep, and that's why you'll only get your own votes
AB - To himself: "Damn, I thought they'd buy it if I posted a nice picture Braveheart!"

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