Sons of Dublin: Need You!

Day 1,808, 01:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

For all boot camp players who now have grown to big for their britches. Sons of Dublin has dropped its entry requirements completely.

Now recruiting privates and upwards

So who are we:

First off I am a relatively active commander you will have daily tasks almost at the start of each day. Furthermore from the name you can also see that we are striving to create a home base for Irish patriots or even foreigners who wants to be part of a patriotic Military unit. So when we have a Natural Enemy we will always fight for Ireland. Ireland is in fact our top priority.

Resource Distribution:

While we don't offer weapons to you the IRC channel is open to anyone and you can get enough weapons from the Minister of Defense. Anyway since apparently the MOD dont hand out weapons out anymore I could here and there help with a few weapons.

I want a position of power:

So you want to be a leader and help the Irish cause as a captain or 2nd Commander. This is where we need a few good men or women. We will help you to not only run for captain but also to build out the military unit as recruiter. And we need a good recruiter as to be honest I am not a good recruiter.

Signatures and avatars:

Bring your creative powers to the fore and help us to design and create avatars and signatures. We need good artist and story tellers to perhaps write a story about the MU and to bring the name to life through pictures and newspaper articles.

Prizes and stuff:

Once you joined and become an active fighter we will rewar😛
1. The most improved fighter(not me to keep it fair)
2. the best avatar
3. The best story

Prizes will be food and weapons.

Mission Statement:

Be all you can be join the Sons of Dublin and we nurture you from a budding private to a God of War or megalomaniac earth destroyer(new rank that will be introduced later). We are not looking for good fighters alone but for persons that want to write great stories and be as creative as they want. Finally this is a game and we want players that is fun .

Ps: Join

Psses: My girlfriend wants you to join now. Are you going to refuse her!

Not: your making her sad now. Bad grasshopper! Very Bad Grasshopper!