Something New...

Day 967, 10:57 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSouth African Presidency

Hello South Africa

I got to thinking: how can I get everyone involved in something I do? Obviously I can't have everyone in on Congress/Cabinet plans or anything, that would just cause problems...

But there's something I can do, that'll hopefully involve alot of people. Why not the citizen message? I mean, I think there's a 1500 letter count, but I think we can make it mean more than I ever could. I know for a fact we could show the eWorld we were united if the citizen message ended with something along the lines of "sincerly, the citizens of eSouth Africa", and have the entire thing consist of citizen-submitted entries.

"Welcome to eSouth Africa!
We have an interesting history of war and political take-overs and have only recently liberated all our regions!
There is a lot to learn about the game but you should start by working and training every day to build up your character. We also strongly recommend you join our community forums at [url=http://forums.erepubliksa.comtarget=blank][/url]
I advise you not to fight until you've moved to Northern Cape as it's our only region which has a hospital. If you need a moving ticket to get there, you can contact our Ministry of Social Development at
You will find a wealth of valuable information on our country including the government structure, forums, irc, newspapers and more at
Please don't hesitate to contact me should you need any guidance in getting started.
Stryke Blayde
President of eSouth Africa"

That's what I have so far(and aside from my name, it's the same as Zamrg's). Let's make this more interesting than one person ever could. I mean, sure we have to include new links and V2 info, but it would still mean more coming from numerous people.

Let's make this a "Citizens of eSouth Africa" project!

the Citizens of eSouth Africa?