Something about me, BroodRoosterNL

Day 1,317, 05:43 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL

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The national eIndian chat can be found by joining #India on the Rizon channel or by clicking on Chat Room on the national forums. Activity is the key to a better eIndia! ++

So far 11 people have logged in to tell the world that they're aktive for eIndia! Are you aktive too? Sign in on the forums and drop a message in the Aktive Association's thread (you can find it under eRepublik Introductions on top of the main page!)

Are you a new player? Don't you have any Gold to spend on a newspaper? Are you an eIndian citizen willing to start up an active newspaper? Then you should message me and I will help you with the funds and advice that you need to start up your very own news agency!

I think this is the right time to tell you all something about me, because I understand that there are a lot of people who don't really know me at all. Which I cannot blame on anyone but myself as I have been away for a while, for good reasons though as I graduated from school and am moving on to university starting this September. Even if you don't care to know a little about me, just read it as it has some history about our great nation in it too!

So who am I? First of all to everyone who has been thinking about my real life nationality, I'm Dutch (explains the NL at the end of my nick) and for that reason I started in Holland back in the eRep Beta days which really is a while back, more than 3 years back now actually. In those days this game was pretty small, I believe there weren't even 10.000 registered users back in the day but well it was of course still a Beta and you had to get in through an inviting system. Thankfully I knew some people from another game who got in and they sent me an invite to join. So that's when I set my first steps in the New World and met some great people. In those days I've worked together with what I think are still some of the best politicians ever and its sad that they all quit now. To skip some boring stuff, I'll make a jump into the future, into v1 to be exact. An update that did and did not live up to my expectations. A lot of things improved, but as we do know now, but didn't really realize yet back then, the Admins can act like complete donkeys sometimes doing stupid stuff and they did that back then. But well as we never had any real influence on them, we just kept on going like in real life you can't really influence your government..

But slowly, my days in Holland were coming to an end and I suddenly realized that the time was right to move on. So I decided to leave my country and to look abroad to see what's happening. After a few pretty pointless weeks I got a message from a friend, Dionysus, who told me that he joined a country that had just been released from the Pakistani Dioists back when Dio Brando was a big guy. And he asked me if I was interested in joining him to build up the country from scratch. That country, was India. And because I was up for a challenge, I decided to join him and quickly met Srachit, the first RL Indian I met in this game. Together, the three of us decided to start the first real eIndian party, called India First. After we beat the Italian and Spanish who tried to colonize this country we started working on a very long story that is still going on right as we speak. India slowly regained its regions and the numbers grew, more RL eIndians joined together with others who had the best interest in our country. The days of Indonesian occupation joined and we met some noobs like Ashwamedh and Shailesh, from whom we didn't know yet that they were to be some of the greatest eIndians in history. We fought our way through occupation and battles, lost all our regions but took them back, fought people who tried to take over our parties and the presidential seat and meanwhile our community kept groing and people developed real friendship and we know that we all had eachothers backs as we were here with one single goal: Making eIndia a great and glorious nation in this game.

And even though I have left this country for a (RL) break sometimes, I always knew in my heart that I would come back for it as I'm sure we haven't seen our best days yet! And I don't want to lose my title of oldest eIndian of course 😁

Even though I have never really cared much about statistics and medals, I do understand that there is people who like to know what I have achieved in my very long eRep career so far, so that's why I'll list a few of my trophies down here. Please forgive me for not exactly remembering everything as I have been incredibly busy over the years and have been in many positions.

Congressman 11x
President of eIndia 1x
Party President at least 5x
Head of our National Police Force 1x
ATO member during every PTO threat
Indian Minister of Defence 3x
Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs 1x
Ambassador 4x
Almost every other position in the Government you can think of except MoF
Mayor of Amsterdam 3x
Prime Minister of the Netherlands 1x
Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs 1x
A few more positions in the Dutch Government I can't remember

Hard Worker Medal 10x
Very successful newspaper with lots of articles and reactions
Administrator/Moderator on the Dutch and eIndian forums
(former) Owner of a few companies
Mentor for lots of people
Great Trivia player on IRC

Lt. Colonel*
Strenght 1250+, it's not very high because I've been away for a while during a new strenght system.
Super Soldier 5x
Liberator of 1 region
Battle Hero 4x
Former eIndian Tank
Several commanding positions in the IAF
AHF member

Running for President of India, July '11