Someone prepare a welcome party!

Day 1,189, 16:29 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Joachim von Bremen

Britons are a danger to Ireland.


You have a better chance of being hit by a meteorite ten times in one day than surviving without British help.

Hi, I’m Joachim von Bremen. Some of you may not know me. Some of you may know me very well. If you are a part of the former group, you are stupid. Here are some of my credentials:

- Former PEACE SG (in September-October 2010)
- 3 time Minister of Everything in the UK.
- Probably CP at some point, I dunno.
- What, like 5 times in congress or something?
- A buttload of other stuff probably.

So that’s quite nice. One other thing about me is that I love Ireland. A lot. It’s a beautiful place, and I buy frozen goods from them frequently. I can really see why mothers go there. For that reason, I have joined your fair citizenry today. I hope to be one of a long line of great British imports to Ireland - like Charles Stanford, Jeremy Irons, and, of course, civilisation.

What are my plans while I’m here? Well, I intend to join the noble political movement of unionisation between the UK and Ireland. Here’s an interesting fact: did you know that 80% of the Irish population would be in favour of British occupation? It’s true. It is a policy contained within 3 of the top 5 Irish parties’ manifestos. It would bring us more regions, more resources, more citizens and more power. And all we would have to do is sit back and let the Brits do all the hard work. They’d start the war, fight the battles and take the regions. We could just sit back and enjoy the glorious sight of culture, finally arriving on our shores (a thousands years late, mind).

But 20% of you are yet to be convinced of the great benefits of a British occupation. Well here’s another interesting fact. Did you know that if Ireland doesn’t become a British colony within the next decade, the Queen has decided to pull the plug on Ireland altogether? She will accept it as a failed project, and the island would sink into the sea to be lost forever, along with Bono’s career and countless discarded potato farming tools.

Don’t let this happen. Let’s unite the UK and Ireland under the Union Flag.

Together, we can do this.

PS, thx Maddog for letting me in 2 ur cuntrie LOL!