Some thoughts about war

Day 125, 03:20 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

"While my hand can hold the sword... I'll fight anyone and anywhere for any reason"
Totally crazy guy from Middle Ages (guess he found brave death in his early 30's)

I'm just curious about the global madness for upcoming war... Who, against whom, and most important question WHY it should be started...

Let us take a look to the reasons that causes wars in real life...
All wars start because of resources, any talks about religious, sexual or national differences are only "reasons to be told in public"...
First type: overpopulation of one country or region, what causes shortage of natural resources, primarily food (sandwiches, cakes and ice cream) and water (beer, whiskey and cola)... So the starving and thirsty crowd of soldiers floods the surrounding regions and pillages their supermarkets... Domestic population (humans, aliens, penguins or artificial intelligence) of invaded regions organizes the Local forces to defend... In result we have war....
Second type: natural resources are too much to use or to harvest in specific region or country... As having of everything more than enough local dudes are able to put 'em in scientific research and technologies advance... So to become stronger and more powerful than neighborhood guys... And being totally humans, they want to harvest and use (throw out) even more and more of unneeded resources, they start make friendly visits to neighbor countries. After such visits, they bring back some "healthy dudes" who can make all "muscle work" for free (ok ok..for food)... after some time "muscle workers", to be called slaves, and their homeland dislikes those visits and also organizes forces for defense... and again in result we have war...
Now i can't find any reason for war here in eRepublik New World... Natural resources are not the case, cause simply we have any more or less than others do.. The Human resources also are not yet so interesting, if we take on account unemployment rates (25 to 70 percents)...

Any comments "for or against" are welcome.

The peaceful benskius

p.s. if war will start here with no reason, or just for it self to be started, i'll visit church and will light the candle... it will be lit with a hope, that anyone of eRepublikans will gain enough power in real life... 😉