Some thoughts.

Day 1,165, 08:31 Published in Sweden Sweden by carlos

For those swedes who do not know me let me introduce myself. My name is Carlos, i have been around since the administration of Danny, and have fought on the battlefield for the Swedes since before French Toast. Those were simpler times when knowledge of ones environment was crucial if one wanted to proceed (trivia decoder) and where Field Marshall was still a dream but for a few people (Smif, Misho). However, there are now similarities to those times, once again Denmark and Sweden are joined.

This is a partnership that has been forged out of history and united via neccesity. We, as countries share a similiar history, culture and language, as well as political thought and view. Due to game mechanics we are very limited to what is actually available but not by what we can offer. We can use what we have and make bigger. When i first started the Media had a new article published every hour filled with hopes and dreams, now all i see is breasts and other desperate attempts to get my attention. There are some truly skilled reconteurs out there who are eloquent with their articles and passionate about their subject, but alas they seem few and far between. This is not a segway but a reinforcement of the initial point, everyones a critic but few are doers. We all have different political views whether they be commmunist, socialist or capitalist. But the core of it is that every view requires work to put in to action, from the complicated communist commune to the laissez-faire minarcist approach.

It is not fair that only a few of us take the time to make this community stronger while others sit back and enjoy the benefits but preach the drawbacks. The decline of FRONT after the departure of Icehacker is a neat illustration of this point. Icehacker was a very active and considered player for sure, but that no group or individual within his vast network stood up and took over effectively shows a worrying state of affairs and indeed is a warning to the rest of us. I already know that at the core of Homonavia are roughly 2 dozen very active players out of over 2000, in this are included ministers and military commanders and economic thinkers. This core, while changed slightly, has largely remained the same. This is the same in many countries, a core of people running it, not because of some megolomaniac trait of wanting to conquer the world but because of genuine interest, enjoyment and indeed concern that their work should continue. I have known some of the best, Algaroth, betamjau, Misho, 4fun et al and i am sure they wont mind tell you that more fresh blood is welcomed.

I hold out hope, for i have seen that the new crop of citizens are taking their place. I have enjoyed watching relative new comers achieve the highest offices and respect among their peers. But i still am conscious of the many out their who remain quiet. This is a game, like life it can not be one but only played. So i ask you all to play it and grow, you!