Some thoughts...

Day 736, 19:24 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

I was born on day 602 of the new world. Of my hundred and thirty plus days alive in eAustralia I was a two-clicker for maybe half of them. I worked and trained almost every day and yet I didn’t fight, I had no reason to fight. Having a high wellness didn’t do anything for me, if a boss fired me it would be quite easy to just apply for a new job that same day and ear at least as much as I had at my previous job. I just happily plodded along, reading newspapers every now and then and otherwise simply working and training before I logged out. Finally I figured I’d have a shot at fighting, I was probably on lvl 10 or higher before I got my first taste of battle

After my first battle, which I’m sure was a Sol training war; I soon began to understand the necessity of fighting in this game. I remember I started to level quickly, it seemed like fighting was almost required in order to level at any decent speed and so I kept doing it. A few days later, I noticed a newspaper article which let me know that ACUK was recruiting. I figured it might be fun and that I would at least be getting a free weapon each day to fight with. So I joined up, logged onto IRC for the first time just to see what was going on and I started to become a little more interested in the true workings of eAus and eRep. I was still relatively inactive though, logging on once or twice a day, reading/writing newspaper articles every now and then but otherwise I was happy to be in the background.

Then came the Malaysian/Thailand resistance wars. I was deployed into Malaysia for my first real battle. I was given weapons, tickets and told to fight hard. eAustralia earned the friendship and respect of FRoSIA and our other Sol allies that day. We proved that we were willing to fight hard for our friends. I and quite a few other people were glued to our screens most of the day watching the battle tip one way then the next; it was great to be a part of. Not only did we win those battles against Alfagrem and his allies but eAustalian soldiers stayed in the newly freed Thailand and got citizenship in order to prevent a PTO and allow Thailand the freedom that they deserve. Doing this meant that we would be unable to vote in eAustralia but I was happy to give my vote to the Thai people anyway. I felt we had delivered them. We had saved our allies and had done a good thing. Needless to say, after this exciting turn of events I was hooked. I began to become what I hope many players would consider an active part of the eAustralian community. I began spending more and more time on IRC, making friends and throwing ideas around; learning more and more about the game as I continued to get deeper into it.

The WA RW soon came and eAustalia was thrown into turmoil. Some people believed the RW was a bad thing; some believed it was a good thing. Regardless of how people felt about it at the time or even now, it is undeniable that while that RW was going on and even for perhaps a week afterwards eAustralia was a bloody exciting place to be. I remember watching the final seconds of the battle, we shouldn’t have won, the eIndo wall was so huge. Then the US tanks came, the Canadians, the Swedish, the Spanish, our friends all jumped in and tore that wall down so fast it was mind boggling. People were actually cheering in IRC; it was a fantastic time to be in eAus, an exciting time.

Now I’m hooked, I’m an addict and I need my daily eRep fix. I was an inactive two clicker and all it took to turn me into an active member of the eAustralian community and its military was a couple of REAL battles. I wasn’t even allowed to fight in WA as I obeyed my orders, but still it was one of the most exciting times I’ve experienced in eRep. Real war and real battles are what makes this game interesting, they make it fun, they turn us into addicts. Even those of us who own companies or those who are into the politics rely on war. War drive the economy, nobody would buy diamonds or iron if there were no war. Strife is what makes this game interesting for the politicians; they deftly manoeuvre around the international world, making allies and enemies in their pursuit of a good time. Fighting makes us stronger, it makes us healthier and it makes us ACTIVE. Lack of activity is one of our single biggest problems in this country. I’m sure some time tomorrow some smart person will post a newspaper article with the voter turnout of eAussies and I’m sure that as per usual perhaps 500 people might have voted. Less than one sixth of our population could be bothered to log into eRep, click a button and get free XP. Why? Because they don’t care, the game isn’t fun if you aren’t doing anything exciting.

eAustralia needs war. We need conflict. eCountries feed off war. The eUS was almost wiped off the face of the eWorld until they turned the war around, now they are one of the strongest countries in the eWorld. The largest, strongest ecountries don’t go to war because they are strong; THEY ARE STRONG BECAUSE THEY GO TO WAR.

I’m writing this article to plead with our new batch of senators, eAustralia can continue to stagnate, barely feeding us all enough excitement from our own internal conflicts or it can grow. We can feast on the banquet of international strife and began to toughen up. We can turn our inactive player base into an active and well oiled machine; the tools are in your hands.

Sorry for the wall of text, I do hope some of you can be bothered making it through! 😉