Some Terrbl Populism Here

Day 1,437, 05:27 Published in USA USA by Stranger Here Myself

My initiative "Occupy the Capitol" might have had little impact on the final results, however I have some good & bad news for those wanting the insane tax plan repealed.

First, two out of the three congressmen voting against the EC's proposal to disarm America managed to keep the seats. Congratulations to Colin Lantrip and Heero Blaze! Jan the Mosby also joined them in the Congress.

Unfortunately, many opponents of the legalized robbery failed to grab a seat. Devoid, Joe DaSmoe, stephen s, Dusty Haynes and DXJack will not be in Congress this term.

Regarding those responsible for this Ponzi Scheme for a tax plan:

Leroy Combs, Vanek26, Eli Crownover, Aersidius, Kell Draygo, SGTRock, DanielCD* and Jon Konning all managed to grab a seat.

*DanielCD has recently contacted me stating taxes were not his 'main concern' and confirming his willingness to 're-enter the debate' if further arguments are presented.

At the same time Evry, DrummerMike, ProjectPsion, Dru Blood, BoxofAids, Thanatos the Great, and Yume Shinnyuusha did (fortunately) not.

Although Dan Wang also won in Utah, admin's regular check for multies costed him his seat later on.

Unfortunately, the majority of the candidates did not bother to take a position on what is probably one of the most important responsibilities of the Congress: taxation policy.

What we can do now is:
- keeping the issue on the agenda
- supporting congressmen willing to fight for us
- putting the whole delusional concept under further scrutiny
- point ot the failure of the EC's expectations/promises