Some Recent Law Proposals - Updated

Day 677, 15:34 Published in Austria Austria by rjeddings

Here are some recent law proposals.

Donate to KikiFrka Holding: Not sure what else to say but, “NO.”

Presidential Impeachment: Although, I do not agree with Metallon on everything; that is not a good enough reason to vote for impeachment. You will never agree with any president 100% of the time. Impeachment should be reserved for high crimes against Austria, such as treason.

New Citizen Fee: I voted “no” on this proposal, although I do not feel real strongly about. If new citizens will read the papers, and otherwise become involved in Austrian society, they will not have a problem making it to their first 5 Gold payday.

**** Update
Three more proposals today. I hardly find it worth my time to comment on them individually, as each of them were made by congressmen who resigned minutes later, and are now no longer in the country. To those two congressmen: "Don't let the door hit you in the butt."

I think I might also comment on the recent events surrounding Cratia_man. I would like to give Cratia_man a “Bravo” for effort, and for keeping his plans quiet during the run up to the election. However, it appears that he and his Burgenlandische Partei have bitten off more than they can handle. I do not believe that attempting to create a nationalist party (for a nation other than Austria) will be the path to long-term success.

I also find it interesting that the ACB has removed its overhead resistance to the appreciation of the ATS. That appreciation should continue as long as the ACB, either stays out of the monetary market, or as they are doing now, provides support under the currency by offering to buy some in exchange for gold.

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Until later……..