Some More News and an RO: Middle East

Day 1,218, 23:21 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96
APON- Asia-Pacific-Oceania-News

This region, which was intended to be the main focus of this paper, has remained relatively quiet over the past few days. However, there have been some notable events; these include Victoria being returned to Australia yesterday, it was not a government sanctioned war, as Australia won slightly due to a collection of militias (TCO, KH and ST6) and individual citizens, it can be assumed that this took place due to the new economy bonus laws.

Edited on account of AVT's information, sorry, not always easy to get the hole truth

Also pertaining to Indonesia, the Indonesia congress passed an NE act against Thailand late on the 21st, this has been followed by an attack into Southern Thailand 1 hour ago. Also on the 21st, Indonesia successful defended Papua 8-0 against the USA. And a further two resistance wars were started in Indonesian held regions on the 21st, in Caribe e Insular and Wellington, but these both failed.

Further Training and friendly wars

Also the Australia-Chile, Australia-New Zealand, Taiwan-South Korea, Japan-North Korea and India-China friendly/training conflicts have experienced further battles.

Regional Overview: Greater Middle East

Iran- With 2189 citizens Iran currently has the highest population of the original Middle Eastern countries, despite this; it has long been isolationist since the glory days of the Iranian empire. The only events as of late that are worth mentioning is the war with Bulgaria, which allowed Bulgaria to fight its way through Iran from its long-rented grain regions in the centre of the country to India and Pakistan, where it currently holds 4 regions in addition to the 2 Iranian regions that they still hold.

Turkey- Turkey is traditionally the strongest Middle Eastern country, however for some time all of Turkey was jointly occupied by Romania and Greece, both of whom still hold some Turkish regions. But recently two Turkish regions have been regained, and with them there are now 3134 Turkish citizens.

Israel- 1429 citizens, has traditionally been isolationist, holding few allies and engaging only in intermittent wars with Turkey, but recently it has joined with several of its Arab neighbours in the partition of Saudi Arabia (holding 3 regions).

United Arab Emirates- Currently under Russian government, the UAE is nonetheless going strong with 1322 citizens. It too was a willing participant in the partition of Saudi Arabia, currently holding 4 Saudi regions.

Egypt- 528 citizens, Egypt is still a smaller country yet to find its feet, despite this, it too was involved in the partition of Saudi Arabia, allegedly to defend Muslim holy regions from Israeli forces.

Pakistan- 259 citizens, until a few days ago Pakistan was exiled from the Middle East, holding only the region of Eastern Thailand, however, on the 20th they managed to regain the North West Frontier Province from India. As a whole Pakistan has experienced some rather turbulent times lately, in last October they attacked and conquered most of India, but a few months after that China invaded the all the Pakistani regions and sent them back down to where they are today.

Wiped Countries-
Cyprus- Cyprus is currently occupied by Greece, and has spent the greater part of its history under either Greek or Turkish occupation.

Saudi Arabia- Saudi Arabia has recently been carved up by it neighbours, currently being jointly occupied by Greece, Egypt, Israel and UAE.

Foreign Powers-
Greece- Greece currently holds 4 Saudi Arabia regions for their resources and 2 Egyptian regions from when they swapped/fought their way through the Middle East through Egypt.

Bulgaria- Bulgaria has a presence in the Middle East because several months ago Iran agreed to lease Bulgaria a few grain regions (back when both where in PHOENI😵, but following that Bulgaria departed PHOENIX, and going from memory, defended several resistance attempts on the Iranian territories. But a few months ago Bulgaria battled its way through Iran and into India and Pakistan where it currently holds 4 regions (with an agreement with the Indian government). It is as a legacy of the Iran-Bulgaria war that Bulgaria still holds the Iranian regions of Sistan and Baluchistan and Balochistan.