Some members of the cabinet-goals-ideas-proposals

Day 1,687, 08:31 Published in Australia Australia by argi the eliminator

Hello eaustralians,

This is my second article about the upcoming presidential elections.
The goal of this article is to present you some members of the cabinet I propose and my ideas-goals.
I have sent many pm's (and also recieved some) to the players that I wanted to be members of the goverment. The final list isn't filled.

So here we go!

Ministry of presidency
Prime minister: Argi the eliminator (ground-shaking information 😛 )
Deputy prime minister : Majester

Ministry of Finance
Minister: Paul j Keating
deputy: Irule777

Ministry of defence
Minister: Infin
Civilian orders: Cybercasper
Military units and marcenaries: Calumh123
dMo😛 A deputy mod will be assigned in order to have the opportunity to organise mass attacks even if mod isn' online

Ministry of foreign affairs
Mofa (EMEA): Major ahole
Mofa (australasia): I asked binda and i am waiting for her reply
Mofa (Americas): marcos arolia
dMofa: searching....

Ministry of security
Mos: Sheraz ahmad
dMos : Afman

Ministry of Information
Minister : Irule777
intern: searching...

Ministry of Education
Minister: Roboa
intern : searching...

Ambassadors program
Tj Norton

Advisors to cp:
Henry the 8th , Infin , Alimilano
I would also like binda33 , arolia and Nelson to be advisors and its up to them 🙂

As you can see the members of the cabinet are members from the top 5 political parties. eAustralia needs as all!

Now i will continue with my goals-ideas-proposals

1) Tax rebate is going to stay
2) I am willing to reorganise a bit ADF by assigning 2 or even 3 generals/marhasls. Also there will be more QM's in order to deliver supplies as soon as possible.
3) A new program called 'All for one, and one for all' ( great name isn't it? 😛 ). Any aussie or allied player who wishes to help young and poor aussies will now have the opportunity to do it! There will be 3 QM's who will gather the donations ( weapons-food-cc-gold ) and forward the to the people who are in need!
4)Mass attacks will be on daily schedule. There will always be someone authorised ( mod, dmod , adf marshal , cp ) in order to organise them
5) I will make a secret channel on irc for the military units commanders. This channel will provide us better organisation and better communication between the squads.
6) I will try to achieve a twinning between our mu's and allied ones. We gonna help them on the battlefield and they will do the same for us.
7) Brand new program called 'fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars' (we have the option to change the name 😃 )
All kind of rockets will be available for instant use if the mod decides that we need them.
😎Supplies will be open for all aussie ctizens if we have a decisive battle. Furtherore we will open supplies for allied players if the mod thinks it's needed.
9)Keep and protect our homelands. I will also try to get some more bonuses (which are really helpfull for our community)
10) I will try to make our relations with allied countries stronger . This will be a great benefit for our ecoutry because friendship=help

Thats for the moment,
take care 🙂 ,
argi the eliminator