Solutions? Ideas? What do we do now?

Day 1,113, 12:08 Published in New Zealand Turkey by Manny Calavera

I see that my very first article in eNew Zealand went virtually untouched by the majority of the populace. Upon reflecting on the feedback I received, I decided that there are times when people should look within themselves to find the answers. So I started thinking about how do we overcome our differences and focus on something else? I am not asking to forgive and forget, I am not so naïve as to think that could possibly work. There are too many people who have put long hours into fixing our political predicament with naught to show but anger and frustration. I don't mean to put anyone down, but propose a possible remedy.

Maybe our solution is to invade another country. What brings together a divided nation faster than invading someone else and giving everyone a common goal? I doubt that anyone will get over the fact that there are a lot of eSerbs and other nationalities here in eNew Zealand, so let’s all find something to work for TOGETHER! St. Augustine once said that “The purpose of all wars… is peace.” I for one agree. I think that giving us something else to do besides dwell on the fact that our congress is divided into eSerbs and eKiwis will do us a world of good!

I’m not pushing for us to join Eden or Phoenix; however I don’t see the point in remaining neutral. I don’t agree with Fionia’s proposal to trade regions with anyone. I think that it puts us at risk in the long run by giving another country access to our regions. However, I do think that we need to actively take a roll in signing some MPP’s and being a part of something bigger than ourselves. At some point, another country will just attack us, and without the support of some of the stronger nations besides Serbia and France there goes eNew Zealand.

On another note the elections are complete and Don KronoX is our new CP. Congratulations to you Sir. I for one am not opposed to seeing what he has to offer as CP. I suppose there is something to be said for a man with experience. I don’t like to think about eNew Zealand as eNew Serbia; however I will give anyone a chance, and I believe that Don KronoX and his cabinet may do great things. I say we sit back, relax, and see what happens this month and maybe gain a new region or 9 as Don KronoX put in his manifest. In the process maybe, just maybe we can become a nation united in a common cause. Whatever cause that is, will be up to us. I leave you with this… Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum. “If you want peace, prepare for war.”

Thanks for reading.
Xanthar Zaiban