Solutions for the future

Day 424, 08:39 Published in Norway USA by Elvroy

My dearest readers. Now, when the once so glorious and unbeatable two alliances are falling and stumbling, it is the best time to be thinking of the future. What will our nations do? What will be the next step? How are WE going to run this world in the future? Shall we keep on using large alliances, that have proved themselves not working, or is it the time to introduce some new innovations.

The game is evolving which makes it somewhat difficult to predict the future. The new modules and add ons can greatly change the aspect of the whole game. And now we have heard some news about the upcoming updates to the game. To be completely honest, they are not going to turn the whole game upside down. The future that we saw before is still lurking there, and it is the place that this game, and therefore we, are constantly going towards of.

Now, some of you must think that what do I mean with the two alliances stumbling? What could that bee? ATLANTIS is failing all the time all over the world because the member nations aren’t willing to help each other. For example the RWs against eSweden: there wasn’t that much organized help from other ATLANTIS countries. For what I know is that eFinland was there organized and eNorway supported their troops with money and gold. Where were all the other people? USA? UK? Spain? They are rich as hell, but still the help was only marginal or volunteers.

eNorway has had it takeover attempts, lost tons of gold in the RWs against Russia, not that much active players anymore and they were still capable of deploying help. eFinland is as poor as hell (let’s just bee straight) and though their army is a total joke, they still send them to the scene to help eSweden.

So what is this? Sweden can’t trust ATLANTIS anymore? ATLANTIS isn’t any use to them. They have to spend time and money to defend other ATLANTIS nations. They have to join operations that they gain nothing by joining, but still they don’t get the help that was needed. ATLANTIS only takes from them, it doesn’t give anything.

As you can guess this article isn’t about PEACE, but as I said that they are stumbling I must back it up. As we speak Iranians are devouring the almighty ePakista, home of Dio and the sand people. Pakistan is still a member of PEACE, but a PEACE member attacks them and all the other countries pretend as nothing major has happened. ATLANTIS hasn’t done good, but PEACE has been ever more of a fail.

The names of these alliances have been wrote whit small letters more and more often and that is the way it’ll probably be in the future. Pakistan crashed down, Norway did also and soon ATLANTIS and PEACE will join them. It’s only a matter of time. Those who have prepared for it and have their future planned out will prevail. Those who have left themselves alone will be annexed.

We have seen that those countries, with small population, have been taken through elections. Romania took Russia this way. Iran took Pakistan and now they have won the elections in Norway. In three biggest parties there is an Iranian leader. There are more Iranians in eNorway than Norwegians which promises a sad future for once so glorious eNorway.

What can we do to not let these kind of things happen again? Population numbers are decreasing almost all over the world, especially in the countries located at Northern Europe. Today eNorway, tomorrow eFinland and then eSweden. We are not that safe anymore. There is a constant threat that is ready to reveal itself and when it does strike we can’t defend ourselves. It’ll be too late.

Maybe it’s easy to think now that everything is well and that being an ATLANTIS member is a good solution for now. Maybe you think that if we don’t speak about joining another alliance or admit the fact that ATLANTIS doesn’t work, ATLANTIS itself would stand longer: avoid being crushed.

No we need to start think the future now. We need smaller alliances which are easy to organize. They would me more effective during war. Those small alliances could help each other when they decide so.

I don’t care about the solutions that they will make in other parts of the world. I’m talking about Scandinavia here. The Northern land of promises and well being. The strong and proud people that live there. We need to work closely together. To achieve safety and trust. To defend our land against an unknown attacker. We don’t need ATLANTIS to do that. If we fight together we are strong.

Well. Alliance of Northern Nations (or such) won’t be created for some time now I guess. Well… Why would it. Scandinavian nations have good relationships with each other. Danes like the Swedes more than they are ready to admit and Finns and Norse are like brothers now. Finns has fought side by side with Swedes, Norse and Danes.

But to truly create power we need only one flag. We need to unite under one purpose and under one system. It would truly mean a lot of work and whining and it won’t probably happen for some time. It would be the only way to avoid goons getting the power in our countries. We shall wait. We shall see.

”I have a dream.”