SolDiers: The Next Step.

Day 830, 17:21 Published in Malaysia USA by Liquid Oxygen
Why we're here.

Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Supreme Commander Liquid Oxygen. I represent the new military branch of the Sol Global Alliance. What are we? A collective of small nations, banded together for mutual protection, diplomacy and war games.

Our members include: Thailand, Malaysia, Phillipines, Bolivia, Singapore, China, Israel and South Africa.

Why have I come forward today? Because we need YOUR help. The SolDier project requires citizens eager to fight for a higher ideal and a noble cause. We require energetic individuals who are hungry for something more. A true next step, a cause we can all rally around. A battle flag, if you will. Our dedication to Sol's welfare and defense can only be assisted when its citizens come forward as one to defend what it stands for.

How Can I Help?

By signing this application:
By donating to this org:

While we will always appreciate what is given to us, what we really need is dedicated individuals. Soldiers for Sol. The guardians of the alliance and the shield against aggressors." />
Sigma Requirements include: 18 Strength and a Field Marshal rank." />
Marauder Requirements include: 9 Strength and a Captain rank." />
For those wanting to sign up, but are unable to deploy due to office or some other situation, don't worry! We have a spot for you in Jackal Battalion, learning the ropes of support, intelligence and logistics.

The future of Sol is in your hands. Are you ready to become brothers in arms? Are you willing to take the next step? Are you willing to stand up in defense of your comrades in all Sol nations?

Join us today!

-Supreme Commander Liquid Oxygen
SolDier Commander.