Socialist Unity

Day 599, 12:42 Published in North Korea North Korea by North Korean Workers Union

Time to Clarify.

There is no type of dispute between the party that is currently called the “North Korean Communist Party” and the North Korean Workers Party. The only dispute that existed was between the old party president and the workers of North Korea. Now that the party is no longer run by that “man” and instead have good people at it’s helm we couldn’t be happier.

After the PP elections the leaders of the parties have to start working on a plan to make sure we have only one Socialist party in eNorth Korea. Strength lies in unity, and being divided like this is not defendable.

For Socialism, For eNorth Korea!

PS: all the members of the NKCP are welcome to PM the North Korean Workers Union and ask for a job in our communes. We need all the help we can get if we are to continue bring bread to the Workers.

Solidarity my friends, it’s not just a word.