Socialist Freedom Party

Day 3,929, 02:39 Published in USA Serbia by True Braveheart

It has come to my attention that someone else has been using my party name in order to get more members. This would not normally be a problem, but the people in charge of The Socialist Freedom party are not a real opposition. They may have at some point held socialist values, but the power has made them complacent. What they are preaching is not real socialism and would only lead to corruption at best and totalitarianism at worst. I hope that I am wrong when it comes to this, but at this point, there is nothing to tell me otherwise.

I know that I am a new and not a well-known player, but I ask you to give me a chance and to join my party. If you are against tyranny and want to have your voices heard, join my party.

I cannot promise you much in the way of weapons and food at the start of our struggle, but as time goes on and we get better organized and stronger, we will become unstoppable.

Lets take our country back comrades!