Socialism: The Workers Response

Day 884, 09:19 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Following on from my last article, this is about Socialism and the role it plays within the eUK. Many of you may know socialism from real life as an ideology that protects worker rights and advocates a welfare state, and you not see the relevance it holds in eRepublik. However there are plenty of examples within this very country of socialism at work to the benefit of the whole population.

The original National Health Service in this country was cumbersome and for months after the French Toast offensive successive Right Wing governments kept pouring thousands of GBP into it in a desperate effort to try and boost the health of our population. However, under the administration of Malta_1990 (prominent left winger) a more efficient system was drawn up where the population were temporarily sent abroad to fight and regain health quickly and cheaply. This was then further improved in later months by actually bringing the war to the UK, with the real and training wars we all take for granted today. The point I am trying to make is efficiency is key. If we work together to create realistic and brilliant strategies we can achieve success. This is what socialism is all about.

The United Kingdom was one of the first countries to have a full nationalised set of military companies. After the failed privatisation of the military by Sara Droz (the last real right wing leader, give or take a few famous globetrotters) the government under kumnaa began implementing them on a mass scale and as a result drastically increased our military power. As I mentioned in my last article if we had been left at the mercy of private companies for weapons the country would be in a terrible place in regards to our military power and our financial capability. The trust put in by the general public had paid off as socialist policies put the country on the road to success.

Another shining example of the benefit of government intervention was in the recent financial crisis when the government injected money into the UK economy through the financial stimulus package and that coupled with increased demand for gifts and houses boosted the country out of financial difficulty and both prices and wages have shot up as a result. Top economists such as Iain Keers and Elbanaan have strived for months to build up an effective UK and now normal workers have more money in their pockets and the country has enough to fuel our military commitments both at home and abroad.

It has been proven constantly that Socialist principles are essential to the success of the United Kingdom. The wide ranging policies brought in over a year of left wing governments have significantly improved the UK, something that is evident through the support that the general public offer us every month, both in congress elections and outstanding presidential support. Socialism is an incredibly effective system for government and society in general, and it is the right choice for the United Kindom!

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UK Left-

The Unity Party- TUP is the largest and most successful party in the United Kingdom. It is a democratic socialist party and has a track record of putting citizens first and has members with a wide range of talents ranging from top level military commanders to top rate economists. It has an incredibly interesting and vibrant community where new players are both welcomed and listened to. Join Today!

The People’s Communist Party- the PCP is a far left party who believe in equality and offer a wide range of support to new players including an intricate communes system which delivers fair rewards to anyone wishing to work there. A warm and welcoming community, these Communists certainly know how to have fun. Join Today!