So, what now?

Day 866, 22:43 Published in USA Thailand by Allan Dobrowolski

Which way do we go from here? We're going to have to make a choice on what direction we steer our country towards.

We have a few true allies, the Brolliance. Without a doubt, we're going to have to stick together and remain true bros no matter what is at stake. I'd also like to see China and India join the Brolliance, because they are both pretty awesome.

But we're still at a military disadvantage. EDEN and Phoenix were perfectly matched on a good day, so minus EDEN and add two heavy hitters to Phoenix... yeah, not so good.

So what do we do? Please, direct your attention to the following Wikipedia page.

So, if I understand this correctly, if China and India join the Brolliance, we have the greatest potential to become the biggest, unmatched superpower. How do we harvest this incredible potential? We need great minds to plan and put massive scale babyboom efforts in motion!

It's time to grab those thinking caps.