So this is how it ends..

Day 755, 05:59 Published in South Africa South Africa by MuscleRoller

eSouth Africa is royally screwed.

Would this be a bad thing?

I do not think so. The welfare of eVenezuelan citizens has gotten much better after it was liberated from their traitorous president, Casiopea95.

The bigger ones eat the smaller.

What has your president done for you? How long have you let her stay in the office? Wheres the progress?

We made much more progress in one and half weeks than Ines has done in 6 months. True story bro.

I like eAustralia. Eh eAustralia is a pretty cool country, it fights against eBrazil and doesnt afraid of anything.

What has the current office of eSouth Africa done to you, eAustralia, may I ask?

They lead you into unneeded danger, a way they could wipe you from the face of eWorld.

I accept negotiators from both sides. ANA is the guiding light that will lead eSouth Africa from this peril.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.