So.. they changed $h1t again...

Day 1,330, 11:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by New Ireland Bank

As the title says, some changes have been made to the economic module. I'm not going to waste everybody's time explaining it. There are plenty of articles out there, if you can't be arsked to read up on it you probably aren't arsked to read this article either!

So what does this change mean?

Well as for the broader impacts of this change.... I can't say. I haven't had a chance to really think about it yet, and it's early days yet, these things sometimes surprise.

However what seems obvious: Although current employees aren't being forced out of companies, gradually large employers will find their staffs reduced to the 5 cap.

As food quality is irrelevant the reduction in Q5 employees (as well as the greater work/train health impacts) will have an overall impact on food prices.

In the weapons market things are going to be a little more interesting.
The quality of weapon people use really really REALLY matters!

Expect the price of Q5 weapons to increase

Q5 weapons upgraded to Strong Buy

More to follow as I research the situation properly

*Like any analyst prediction, this is an opinion expressed by the author. Do your own Due diligence before making investment decisions.