Sneak Previews of the New War Module[RO/EN]

Day 805, 07:27 Published in Romania Romania by Lutan Fyah
So, yesterday was very interesting for most eRepublik players. Some of you might think it was because of all the crashes, bugs and lack of an official(or unofficial for that matter) reaction from Admins.

You don’t know how wrong you are. Yesterday was a historic day for most of us. We were amongst the lucky few that could get a sneak preview of what the new War Module will be all about. Without any official position on the matter I have taken the liberty to name these two features myself, and they are:

1. Ninja Mode: This one is quite interesting really, here’s how it works: You fight your way to the “wars you can fight in” button (the battle is of a psychological nature and involves you and a bunch of angry headless chicken). Upon arriving to the said button you will be taken to the battlefield, outfitted with an uniform that matches the battle page and be given some silencers for your weapons. You will then proceed to hit the fight button. You will know you fought. The enemy, however will be none the wiser. Sneaky eh? And being such an important feature, was made. Here’s how the battles will look after the new war module is thoroughly implemented.
2. Rambo Mode: Not much to be said about this really. It’s very straightforward and based on the principle that Hospitals are for pansies. You, as a mighty warrior, don’t need it. Therefore you can’t access it. Feature explained. Have fun.

On a more serious note, this game is slowly going to hell, and considering the crash-bug-frustration galore that happened during the first month of V1, I can’t say I’m overly optimistic about the way things will turn out in V2.


Deci, ieri am trait o zi foarte interesanta ca jucatori de eRebuglik. Unii dintre voi cred ca a fost “interesanta” din cauza picajului liber intreprins de server, din cauza bug-urilor aparute pe tot parcursul zilei sau din cauza lipsei de reactii oficiale(sau neoficiale) din partea admin-ilor.

Nici nu stiti cat de mult gresiti. Ieri a fost o zi istorica pentru majoritatea dintre noi. Am fost printer putinii norocosi care am putu vedea cum se va desfasura activitatea in noul modul de razboi. Din cauza lipsei de reactii oficiale, mi’am premis sa “botez” doua din aceste feature-uri. Si ele sunt:

1. Modul Nija: Asta chiar e interesant, si functioneaza cam asa: Te lupti pana la pagina cu razboaiele in care poti sa lupti(lupta este una de natura psihologica intre tine si o droaie de gaini fara cap). O data ajuns la pagina cu pricina, vei fi dus pe campul de bataie, vei fi imbracat in asa fel incat sa te camuflezi perfect pe campul de bataie si vei primi amortizoare pt arme dupa care vei apasa pe butonul de lupta. TU vei sti ca ai luptat, dusmanul nu va avea nici cea mai vaga idee. Si cam vor arata bataliile in noul modul de razboi.

2. Modul Rambo(u): Nu e mult de zis pe aceasta tema. Feature-ul va fi foarte clar pus in practica si are la baza ideea ca spitalele sunt pentru metrosexuali si pacifisti. Tu ca un mare razbo(u)inic nu ai nevoie de el. Feature explicat. Distractie placuta!

Pe un ton ceva mai serios, jocul asta se duce dracului usor-usor si daca luam in considerare paleta de bug-uri, crash-uri si frustrari colorate din partea jucatorilor in momentul in care V1 a fost lansat…nu pot sa ma declare foarte optimist in legatura cu felul in care vor evolua lucrurile in V2.

This article is not a pamphlet and is meant to offend the people that need to be offended. I will gladly accept my punishment if the appropriate measures are taken against me and the bugs infesting the game. Otherwise I’m gonna spam de hell out of your forums with dumb open letters. Cheeri-o

Acest articol nu este un pamflet si are ca scop jignirea celor care ar trebui sa fie jigniti. Imi voi accepta cu fericire pedeapsa daca masurile corecte vor fi luat in cazul meu si al bug-urilor care infesteaza jocul. In caz contrar ma voi ocupa de spam-area forumului eRep cu scrisori deschise de o valuare intelectuala indoielnica.