Smart BH?

Day 2,204, 09:02 Published in Slovenia Romania by DoDrew

Hello Slovenia,

I was recently accepted in your country and I would like to thank you for accepting me. I see you have quite some battles here and you are a little overwhelmed, but I'm pretty sure that Slovenia can handle the matter.

I have already made 8 BH for Slovenia, unfortunately only 2-3 BH mattered for the war. Today I came across a BH battle (not on my side) and I would like to present to you as a "DON'T DO this way" picture. Remember that you should do big damage with low XP points. AND when you have a BH stealer/competitor you should know when to STOP.

These guys spent 7 million damage each for a single BH. They have spent damage for 3 normal BH (RW side) and 6-7 normal BH (oppressor side).
Austria is very thankful to you guys... or not.

Till next time,
The sexiest player in eRepublik