Slowly But Surely

Day 1,335, 01:41 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

As many of you have noticed, the eUS is finally starting to gather some of the old regions back. I think it's great we didn't lie down and let our asses get fried, but we stood up and grabbed our arms to defend the nation we care so deeply about. I hope all eAmericans got to fight in the battles, I know we will continue to pick up the pace, slowly but surely, the American people will once again be a powerhouse to the world of eRepublik. I also want to share with you my thoughts on a piece of writing that has alot of people talking.

I suppose many of you read the papers, your reading this I hope. I saw this article by a player named Gnilraps. This article was entitled, "The World Peace Doctrine". I went through the piece several times to make sure I could talk about it and know what to say. I actually like the idea that all the eNations would get their original regions back, a time of peace, and then a "Go Day" where we could once again let Hell break loose, but it would be a controlled Hell, so don't worry about the flames too much. If the idea would stick, I could see it doing some real good for nations, including ourselves, who might need the time to gather themselves together and get all the regions that they owned at one time or another back to them.

The issue with me is how would we ensure that no one secretly works out a plan to once again try and take over the world, as we have seen this very year and in past years. I would want to make sure the world leaders are willing to get all the political parties involved as well, because when the CP elections would come and the rest of us are at peace under the doctrine, a new CP could break all Hell open too early, causing the plan to basically become a waste of time. I do however, want to ask the opinions of my readers on this doctrine that is supposed to bring us some peace in our lives, which I agree that at this time, we could all use in-game. Comment on the World Peace Doctrine, and I will also leave a link below to the article in question, so you ca read it again and again like I have and understand it better each time, like I did. Thanks for reading Meet the Press, and remember, I'm expecting to get the PP interview requests replied to as the day change occurs today, first one in is first one added.

The World Peace Doctrine: