Slovenia + Russia + Serbia = holy trio, bound by soul!

Day 1,129, 06:15 Published in Slovenia Serbia by volchji malchek

Wolf says the alliance shall never fail, it will go on forever, like our slavic roots it shall flourish and grow, till the branches and the leaves can carry it no more and will release it to ground, into ground the seeds will go, creating roots, roots so strong that they will distort the very fabric of the earth and bound us even more. Forever shall this go on to the very ends of the earth and time itself for it cannot be undone it will not be undone, it is in our hearts and in our souls forever, like the flames of eternity that burn through the void that surrounds us.

Forever us forever we, never one and never leave.

Russia and Serbia, Slovenia salutes you!

Let the howl echo in our slavic hearts, for you are we and we are you!

volchji malchek