Slander.Lies and......EPIC fail???

Day 513, 05:05 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Ok well theres been a lot of Slander being flung around the media recently with AW bringing up quotes and Br0adside replying and the whole thing is starting to look like The Sun newspaper (for those who don't live in Real Life U.K it's a trashy tabloid gutter scum papaer. With Page 3 porn 😃)

First of. br0adside won't let us have back Western Australlia. So. It's not like we need all of our nations. Indonesia want it, Indonesia are bigger than us and stronger. You really want to annoy them go ahead and see what happens. I tell you there will be no more Australlia. we don't have the money to buy the companies or the people to fill the jobs.

Second. Indoensia is oppressing us. Erm....evidence....When was the last time you saw someone from Indonesia standing here shouting 'YOU WILL COMPLY WITH INDONESIA! YOU WILL LOVE US. YOU WILL FOLLOW OUR RULES. AND YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY. YOU GOTA THAT YOU AUSSIE SCUM!'. answer you didn't Indonesia does not influence our media, goverment,jobs in anyway.

Yes our entire existance may reley upon appeasment so then it makes sense not to piss of Indonesia. duh! By screamin for liberation you just annoy them.

Picture it this way. Theres a huge kid at school. He walks over punches you in the face and steals your marbles. The kid is 6.4ft and is like 10stone. you are 5.4ft and 7 stone. if that. you do not get up and punch him back do you because he will merk you and leave you bleeding on the floor.

We are the sacrawny kid. Indoensia is the marble stealing boy.Now i want eOz to exist in full. But i quietly rebel and think 'one day we will be whole again' i do not stand up and scream DEATH TO INDONESIA like others.

Now lets drop all this talk of scandel and multi accounts and get back to buisness of trying to regian our lost lands without violence or antagonising Indonesia.
It's quite possible we never regian Western Australlia but we can get tazmania and others.