Sky battle report

Day 5,248, 16:00 Published in Russia Russia by Bragge Schorsch De Elite

Greetings from isolation.
Beeing infected with covid, i had a lot of time and spent it playing in the sky with my friends from the MU Persian Gulf. Was fun, was like:

But i need the gold to buy some EB, to accomplish the missions. I need the carots to bake a cake for easter. Now, Persian Hawk and Emran Irani surely are like this:

But please, my very dear friends, after easter, we can be friends again? I help you to get your gold back. I miss the funny messages we wrote and the fun we had. Please, unblock me 🙁

If you want to help me, just write them a message, and kindly ask to unblock me. Thank you and a lot of fun, have a good week.