Day 838, 02:00 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

Not good.

This is M0TT0M here reporting from the main land, it is Day -1 of the War and already I am seeing WAY too many articles.

The oncoming wave of rebel, war related articles in eAustralia is astonishing, already have I seen many fellow eAustralians fall victim to the constant bombardment of these assaults.

I have seen many, many new players who have been dazed by these articles... the eCitizens here have a name for these for poor people and you will often hear them being refered to as "noobs," or "n00bs."

I met with a couple of soldiers preparing for deployment earlier today and here's what they had to say about the current situation and state of eAustralia at this point in time;

"Derrrr-uhh." was the response given when first approached. After identifing myself I was later told this is a technique used by the ACUK, a way to ward off approaching people.

- -

Working together in this dire time the serving Soldiers and Offices with the support of AAR Platoons 2 and 3 have reported a drop in the number of articles being posted. Although this is a sign of weakening in the rebel's articles many Soldiers believe there is still more to come but they have atleast taken the brunt of this attack.

The Soldiers here are hoping for everything to return back to normal within the next week and expect this to be a victorious battle which will be remembered by all.

Signing out for The Observer,