SIP IS A PTO PARTY! Also, vote Charles Martel for Congress!

Day 795, 17:06 Published in Singapore Singapore by Charles Martel

I’m running for reelection for congress!
Now you ask, why keep someone like me in?

No one knows the game mechanics like someone who’s been playing for a year. I won’t be demanding that we attack Indonesia, or try to raise import taxes on Iron. In addition, this experience allows me to see in light of the successes (scrabman, Jewitt, eHungary’s boom) and failures (Romania’s fall, Operation French Toast, Operation Taco Bell) of many previous governments. As an incumbent congressmen, I have experience working in congress.

I’m not some carpetbagger who got here a week ago and feels like that deserves a seat in congress. I’m not a troller who uses up his two proposals on lulz proposals and then leaves *cough*Leonard_poh *cough*. I’m not some traitor who will accept Serbian bribes to let them takeover us. Unlike some of the new candidates, I’m not a puppet of EDEN or Phoenix who would stupidly attempt to pull eSingapore into an alliance.

I am currently a high school student, but I’m on the IRC channel often, and check the forums regularly (Despite the claims of those who used superficial analysis to condemn some of the most active citizens in eSingapore). Most importantly, I won’t just go off and leave eSingapore two proposals short and many good ideas short.

Now, my platform
eSingapore would be defeated by basically any country in our vicinity in a slaughter. Until a potential war would actually be competitive (because Singapore’s strong or because we have MPPs), there’s no reason to buy a defense system, when other projects would make us both militarily and economically stronger.

I remember when the first war games got started (Baja California resistance wars). Many claimed that resistance wars were bad for a country. This is complete garbage. I’d like to thank President Liz, VP boethiah, and their administration for giving eSingapore war games. Bring on the free wellness, experience, fighting experience, economic stimulus, higher productivity, and higher government income!

A more integrated SOL is important to helping SE Asian nations from oppression. I think there needs to be more proactive defense of SOL nations that are attacked, such as Australia about a month ago, Malaysia a few weeks ago, and South Africa right now! What does an alliance mean if we’re just going to let outside powers come in and conquer countries.

Also, I believe that controlled immigration is very important, and a more systematic process (Chewie’s doing a great job!) would help the harmless people in, while keeping PTOers out.

Vote Charles Martel for Congress!