Singapore President, Part 4?

Day 682, 18:38 Published in Singapore USA by Arbryn


Greetings citizens of eSingapore,

First thing I would like to say is a big Thank You to all my supporters. I really appreciate all the advice and support I receive daily from the people of eSingapore and my foreign friends. I am always seeking to improve eSingapore any way I can and for 8 months now I am glad I can still have public support after so long to continue to do so. Hopefully we continue to grow eSingapore for many more months into the future. 😁

As some of you may have noticed I decided I will be running for president again for a 4th term. I was not sure if I would be or not at first as I was waiting to see who else ran and what the public support was like, if everyone wanted me to run again or not or to step aside for a new candidate. Now after watching for the past week and talking with many others it seems only Tuukka and I will be running. First I would like to say I have nothing against Tuukka he is a great guy and seems very nice and experienced from what I gathered in the few times we have spoken but after speaking with many citizens about this it would seem he is still not very well known in the public and many people are interested and would feel more comfortable in me running again as they are not very sure of his ideas on many issues. This is fine by me as I am always willing to do what I can for the continued support of eSingapore and its interests. There is always more work to be done and I will continue to do the best I can in the benefit of eSingapore.

Some things that I would address and focus on in another term:

Continued growth of Sol: and relations with member nations as well as wargames involved non-member nations. Sol has greatly opened up a new avenue to use to improve relations with other nations and I am in discussions almost daily with other nations now. A much different perspective then eSingapore relations only a couple months ago.

Minor tweaking of the Tax Policy: mostly in the VAT & some import ares. I plan to work with current Congressional concerns regarding some new minor tax changes that can potentially improve not necessarily our tax budget but our wage value by decreasing some costs of goods while hopefully maintaining a balanced tax plan. These talks are already in the works and a solid plan is not yet established however I am fully willing to continue to work with Congress on this goal in making the SGD have a little more buying power without harming local business.

Improving the Military: This is a process that is not easy at all. We have been slowly working on improving aspects of the military this whole past term however with the recent lul in overall national activity it became more difficult for myself and Relorian since this requires active and willing participants to be involved. With the recent surge in activity and some new people on board I hope we can gain more strides this next month. Either way as long as I am office I will never stop working on improving this aspect of our nation no matter how long it may take.
Please be sure if you are not enrolled to register to be a member of Singapore Armed Forces. We need able bodies. Register to be a part of our national defense so we can improve our overall response and security.
Here is the Singapore Armed Forces Enlistment link:

Activity: As has been the case in my current term I have been making changes that would make Singapore more appealing for people to at least visit, if not live here. Including to improve worker wages, get IRC & Forums more active and involved and working to improve War Games and other events people can participate in. There has been some gains in certain areas and some decline in others for various reasons in and out of game. I will continue working with Congress and my Cabinet on trying to improve eSingapore appeal and activity.

Public Awareness & Accountability: Something I started working on last term that I will definitely be able to continue working on and making better is Public Awareness of what the government is doing and Accountability of those actions. This has started by getting everyone in the government to record on the forum the majority of the actions they do for the citizens and other congress members to see. It may not be a process that comes into effect overnight but it is definitely something I am striving to get us working for. This not only makes others aware of what is going on, it levies some Accountability towards the people who made the decisions. Thus hopefully enforcing them to think about their decisions a bit more before they carry through with them.

Fun: Something that I would like to get involved with more is actually very simple. Create more fun for all. After all this is a game and if we cannot have fun we are failing. I have done some minor things in the past to try and inspire more lulz. But if elected again I will take a bigger look at what can be done to simply make eSingapore more of a fun place to be.

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Other news:

On a side note since another article is unnecessary, due to requests from some Congress, Citizens & Cabinet to have a alternate government secure donation Org for the development of a Q5 Defense System that is not a private Org. I have created Singapore Holdings Bank. This Organization for the time being has no purpose other then storing donation funds for a Q5 DS, and it will not have any other focus until this task is complete. A contract will be put in place as well just as all other government Orgs are contracted for their specific purpose and this contract would forbid use of these funds for any other purpose.

This Org need not replace EJ's Org as I am over the related drama towards that whole situation however it can work in tandem as an alternate option for the same goal. Citizens can chose where to place their funds and hopefully in the end those funds can both come together for the same goal of building Singapore a Q5 DS. While I am against using government gold for such a purpose due to the cost/value I am not against the concept of having one. It would be fine and prideful and if eventually we can amass the funds for such a task that would be great.

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I guess that is all I have for the time being.

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Please Vote for Arbryn on October 5th for President of eSingapore.

Much Love, Majulah Singapura

~ President Arbryn ~
