Silent_Hero, Singapore City. April'10

Day 882, 14:43 Published in Singapore New Zealand by Silent_Hero

I’m Silent_Hero. I’m interested in representing you on the 25th of April. I bet your saying who is this guy? Well I’m a Former PP x1 former congressman x2 and a general guy. Here are the ideas i’d like to implentment.

Singapore City Regional Council:
This is a long term fantasy of mine; Regional Councils. The Singapore City Regional Council(SCRC) will get people to work at some companies which will offer free & and essential equipment to help them get active in our own lil world.
eSingaporian Information Center:
This is a organization ran by people who can answer your questions when sent a PM to the org.
I’m going to represent you under the Young Tiger’s of eSingapore or the eSingaporian Unity Party until it was changed for some weird reason.
I can offer Military Expirience. I can offer Dedication. I can offer Pride.
Vote SH in the elections near you \o/
