Silence from the congress….

Day 452, 15:53 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

Japan currently is in quite a sad state of affairs, where there is argument after argument. There is no progress, and our progress toward our future had halted. There are many reason for this, competition for power among several party in eJapan, general public, which had became more aggressive, and poor state of our economy. Many things can be blamed, but most importantly, it continues to deepen into even worse condition due to the silence from our Japanese congress. They have for long time, decided to keep a dead lock within congress to stop anything from progressing; A deadlock, which I call silence. This Silence is an evil tool used by incompetent congressmen, who wish to stop anything from progressing, and lead all the active discussion to fail. Worst of all, their most important tool is “let me propose it and see how voting goes.” This cause many of our proposals to be voted on by uninformed congressmen, who vote yes, or no on everything that comes up, without with any knowledge of it. There most devastating tool is their method of proposing proposals without any discussion being held before hand. They cause pain, and waste, and more deadlock, and stops, which cause our nation to cease. A silence, cause uncertainty, and cause nothing for our nation to be put into action. They end up as a topic which we discussed, and nothing ends up as reality. This all evil and the most devastating crime to our nation occur within Congress.

Let us all review what congress can do, and what president can do.

So what can the president, the highest position in the country, whom everyone blames for everything, do? President can propose….
Message to new Citizens
Purchase of Constructions
Declare war/peace
Trading Embargoes

Whereas congress can propose…

Tax Change
Minimum wage change
Print Money
Donate money
New Citizen fee
President Impeachment

If I have a big stick, and I can bash congress to act, and start becoming active to discuss our problems, and future plans, I will do it. If I have big stick to force uncooperative congressmen who cause silence to stop, I will definitely do it. If I have big stick to bash congressmen, who does nothing other than to click yes or no without speaking a word, out of the congress I would definitely love to do that. If I have big stick to destroy and purge congressmen who make donation proposal to their own organization to enrich them, I will be sure to do so.


A true power of the nation lies in the congress due to the nature of this game, and I am no God, who can change this to get the country moving. If only I can be President and congressmen at the same time, I will be sure to continue to actively move our country forward, to bring improvements to our market, monetary market, our human resource, our military, our country budget, and our country’s tax structure. However, the very nature of this Game does not allow for one to be congress and president at the same time. Thus my power to improve our nation and start government programs are limited due to silence from the congress, and our congressmen’s urge to not visit our forum, and engage in any of the discussion within congress.

Congressmen, I urge you. Come visit eJapan forum. And register for the congressmen access. I am tired of our silence, and your action to completely ignore the entire nation, even though it was our citizens who had elected you. We need you to come and talk, and engage in discussion which is being held within the congress forum. The silence is killing our country, and our country is starting to fall apart, due to our country congressmen’s inability to communicate, and take part in your duty, and your responsibility as a congressmen. There are many things, which the discussion had stopped, and there were no resolution or conclusion. Our state of congress looks much worse than the ability of PEACE, which the citizens of Japan love to make fun about. Our congress forum is silent, and there are only few people who are truly engaging in the discussion, and making any progress with the proposals. Others either decided to give yes, no, okay, or maybe answer, and do not elaborate, and just leave. We must stop such behavior, and actually work to improve our country.

A country is in sorry state right now, and a lone president with congress which is bare and empty cannot tackle our problems. We need activity, communication, and enthusiasm. We must both as president and congressmen, act to bring change to our current problems. And one of the first steps to do so is to continue to stay active, and continue to VISIT OUR FORUM. And Please congressmen, I urge you, to take part in discussion, and say something. A congressman who cannot talk is equally as bad as congressmen who only click yes or no. Thus take part in your duty, and work as those who had entrusted you and voted for you can sleep in warm and powerful Japan; not cold, tiny, and weak one.

Japanese citizens, I also call out to you, make sure you do your part as the member of Japan to visit our forum and continue to check the open congress forum for any discussion, and know who is saying what, and who is visiting the forum naturally. You have the power to change this nation as well. You have power to vote, and you have power to visit our forum, and voice your concern as well. Let stop sitting around. Rise up people of Japan. It is your duty as citizens of Japan to vote for the best candidate, and it is your responsibility as citizens of Japan to elect, and voice what you need done within our country. Unless the public speak their needs and necessity, and their voice, a congress and President cannot work to best of our ability. Do visit the forum, and do continue to check out how the congressmen you voted for are behaving and saying within the congress. If who you voted for never say anything in the forum or do anything, then don’t vote for them next time; simple as that.

In conclusion, for our nation to get anything done, or progress toward new better future, it requires more people than one. It requires Full Cooperation of the nation whether you agree completely or not. The most important step into accomplishing such cooperation is to visit our eJapan forum and check in on the recent events, and comment and post. Also, make sure to check in daily on the media, and only vote on the articles which are worth reading. Do not vote on articles that is spam. They are a waste, and just simply become toxins which drive people away from checking our media. Also, if you have news paper, why not write some articles which have some relationship with the game, or to voice your opinions. Diverse voices are good, and multiple voices are even better. Also, to congressmen, Please be sure to visit the forum, and take active part in it EVERY DAY. I repeat every day. If you don’t I will be sure to come after you.

Also, another way any citizens can take part in becoming active part in supporting our nation is by donating to our eJapan treasury. Our treasury is always accepting donation, and if you feel like you want our nation to succeed, and want to make our nation great place to live, donate today. One gold, or one JPY could certainly help, and it shows you are active part of our community, and active supporter of our nation. Take pride in our nation, and support your nation today!

Link to eJapan forum:

Link to Citizenship registration:

Link to Congressmen access registration:

To donate to our treasury:

The current issues being discussed, which requires congress resolution on…