Sign Up: Colonize eAustralia! (UPDATED)

Day 648, 01:37 Published in Australia Ireland by Lord Rhindon

We've potential.

Its time we act. Time to thrive.

Today, Senator Lord Rhindon presents...

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The vast land spread beneath the Southern Cross. One nation, a continent in its own right. The only of its kind. From the eastern pristine waters of the radiant Great Barrier Reef over which dawn rises right through to the western cold, turgid expanse of the Indian Ocean over which the deep hue of dusk settles, lies the Great South Land.

The deep, dense rainforests of far north Queensland. The high, whitened peaks of the Snowy Mountains. The rolling red sands of the Kimberly. The flourishing vineyards of South Australia. The rocky, wave-battered monuments of the Great Australian Bight. A ruggedly magnificent land.

The lively bustle of attractive island retreats. The dusty, isolated outback settlements. The mountain villages of traditional European persuasion. The lonely, undisturbed highways. Towns standing aside immaculate white sands of southern beaches. The roaring action of Sydney's & Melbourne's four million, Brisbane's two million. An independent, prosperous population.

An eRepublik community.

Of over two thousand.

A real-life nation.

Of over over twenty million.

A huge source, nearly unending - of people keenly patriotic to their land, to Australia and to its independence. A large amount of which, who, if shown the opportunity, would be allured by eAustralia of eRepublik, whether it be for the political challenge, the game experience or the chance to stand up for the real-life community online.

We have an immense population at our fingertips - an online baby boom *just as possible* as every other e-nation here.

One well-placed online ad catapulted France to the top of the world's most populous nation list. They had a source, the RL nation, and they tapped into it.

We have a source. A RL nation. It is simply a matter of tapping in. Professionally, organizationally, with arranged procedure. A seemingly small bit of promotion, carefully positioned, can initiate a boom of epic proportions, heighten our population by leaps and bounds.

Structured. Researched. Planned. Disciplined.

This will be the The Australian Colonization Initiative.

The only difference between power and weakness in The New World is real-life innovation.

Innovation begins with ACI. Now.

Lord Rhindon
Senator of Queensland (True Blue Party)
Publisher of The Southern Cross
Publisher of Rhindon's Rationality
Award Winning Writer
Aficionado of Fine Wines
Former Irish Politician