Sign a contract or get scammed. Informative article

Day 387, 07:13 Published in Romania Romania by Petrica Dinozaurul

Let's say that you want to buy a high quality house. You have spotted someone who advertised to sell such an useful item. What do you do next? You send him a message and you get a reply. Then you start bargaining for a better price. In the end, you are happy to give almost all of your e-lifetime savings on what you think is a good deal. After a couple of days you realize that you are never going to receive the house of your dreams. And then what? You run to the admins crying and ask for your money back. But that's not the way to do it. What you need to do is sign a contract BEFORE you get any money out of your pockets, otherwise the admins can't do a thing. Trust me, they want to punish the bad guys, all you need to do is to SIGN A CONTRACT on the 'contracts' topic of the eRepublik Forum. And then the bad guy gets his 'reward'. Otherwise he can keep your money, leaving you broke in the middle of the financial crisis. That's not a cool thing to happen, is it? Voting this might be a nice thing to do, unless this article gave you a 'business' idea 😉