Shut your mouth and everything will be all right

Day 1,123, 09:46 Published in Montenegro Montenegro by Petar23

Greetings eworld!

I am writing this article because I am devasted by the fact that the organizations will stop to exist. Yes,your eyes are not playing tricks with you,the organizations will stop to exist!
This is one of the newest eRepublik insertion. Another update added without asking citizens about their opinion. It just happened,with no warning or information.
You can no longer buy companies through the org,you can no longer open an new org. You must transfer your org company to citizen account,but you can only transfer it to the original creator of that org. This leads to a total shut down of organization and it’s purpose.
So I am asking you this,what will happen to all those orgs created for military,economy,ministry and politics? All that money will be lost,or stolen.
How can a democracy exist if one citizen controls the national bank,or ministry of defence,or some army organization?

Admins did you learn anything about previous “updates”? Did you learn from your mistakes? Did you learn anything from v2? How can we play the game in which our opinion counts nothing??? We are a puppets controlled and played by the admin. We can’t do anything,or can we?
I say YES WE CAN! We can change this game! Without us this game doesn’t exist! We can protest!
So I am asking you fellow citizens to make some noise. SIGN THIS:


Then write a ticket to admin with the following text:

“Dear admins,I am asking you to stop destroying this game. I am asking you to stop this madness. Organization are heart and soul of eRepublik community,making this a wonderful game. We need those orgs! Without them economy,military and politics of this game will be destroyed! Return the organization state like it used to be.
Best wishes,disappointed citizens.”

And if you really want to make some noise write the article with the same text as in this one! Use your subs smart! Make some noise! Spam tickets,shouts,forums,MEDIA!

We like orgs and orgs like us,best wishes,disappointed citizens.