Day 518, 12:18 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Ok. I'm sick of it. I've even taken part in it. But both sides WHAW and Australlian Legion need to shut the f@*! up because your constant bickering is makin me sick. I'm considering retireing somewhere quiet where i can't hear your B.S.
Now I ask both sides to comment here and apologise and leave it at that man. Because seriously this constant conflict is not makin us stronger at all.
I wrote an article once, one of my first called 'Collaboratours make a united Oz impossible'

the title for this case should read 'conflict makes a united Oz impossible' how will we ever regian our lands when we can't even stand shoulder to shoulder with each other without squabbeling?

Now lets just all shake hands and be men about this.

Comrade Robb.