Shredding the Constitution

Day 353, 09:17 Published in Canada Canada by Zanalan

Anyone who has taken the time to look at the Constitution of Canada > will realize that the document needs an update. It contains references that were valid in Beta, but are unachievable in V1. Despite these failings, the Constitution of Canada is still an effective document and must be followed, supported and defended. The new Tantis government has today put the Canadian people on notice that the Constitution might not be followed.

“Any Government of Canada must contain the following ministers:
Vice President...
Minister of Defence...
Minister of Finance...
Minister of Health....”
The new Cabinet, unveiled today, does not include a Minister of Defence. Instead, Tantis has elevated the General of the Army to a Cabinet position. The role of a Minister of Defence is the “...organization and administration of the Canadian Armed Forces and all of its subsidiary acquisitions and assets including but not limited to the Canadian National Defense S.O. and its Crown Corporations.” By placing the General in Cabinet, rather than a Minister, the Canadian people no longer have an administrator for the Military assets and actions.

The new Cabinet is also missing a Minister of Health. Instead, health falls under the control of the super-ministry of Internal Affairs. One cannot help but wonder how much attention the National Health SO will receive when it is one of many portfolios under review by MoIA. Under the recent changes to the productivity formula for industry, a worker’s health has a measurable impact on production (a worker at 60 wellness produces 10% more than a worker at 50 wellness does). Without direct management of the Health department, the government is placing our national productivity at risk.

One can only hope that these choices represent an oversight rather than a deliberate attempt to circumvent the Constitution. As we noted at the start of the article, the Constitution needs to be revamped and updated. Still, the current version is the only document we have. If the government ignores the document then we must all be concerned about the erosion of the rule of law. That should be the one rule that we can depend on!