Show how active you are and how much you love eSK!

Day 985, 02:30 Published in South Korea South Korea by Allen Wells

So I was just doing my dailies on eRepublik the other day, (work, study, rest, check the media) when I got this really crazy idea to donate money to the country. (I have no other use for it besides buying +9 wellness and no happiness foodstuffs, which are pretty cheap.)

Then again, I wonder how any amount of money would help, and that's when the doubt starts to kick in...So I'm asking all of eSK, if you vote on this article and reach a total of 100 votes I'll donate 300 KRW to the country! (Only votes, as far as I'm concerned, it'll only make the article go up but won't exactly benefit the newspaper owner directly in any way.)

Srsly, dis is sum srs voting bsns.

tl;dr Vote article to reach 100 votes, I donate KRW to the country.