Should we help the Greeks?

Day 250, 10:16 Published in USA USA by Peter Green

Greece has almost been wiped off the map. Their markets are empty. It's only a matter of time before another nation, another people, looses its independece. I know the country was taken over by goons. But that doens't mean that in the future, when V1 arrives and a lot of new citizens join erepublik, Greece couldn't regain its local, Greek government, develop its own culture and form a valueble society within the erepublik world.

Now, the question arises. Should we help the nation of Greece? Or do we just stand by and watch another empire rise up. Already Turkey has gained the second spot, after Indonesia, in the overall nation ranking.

If we decide to help, we can do so in several ways. By providing goods to their markets (weapons, food, gifs) or by providing military assistance. It will be up to our political and economical leaders to decide the course of action, but I encourage every citizen to voice his or her opinion on this page.