Should we help our allies ?

Day 533, 14:16 Published in USA Romania by klaus76ro

Hello, my friends. I am an eRomanian, living in Romania. I'm not hiding it and I'm not ashamed to come in front of you and make lobby for Atlantis.

For the last past days, eRomania is under siege from quite a large part of Peace members. We were 1 step away from taking Karnakata, the only High Iron region of eIdonezia, the region where 75% of its weapon industry is concentrated. And then, it happened. Peace became an alliance. A real one, not just words on a e-paper.

Consecutive attacks from Indonezia, Russia, China, Iran and, later, Hungary... made it impossible to start evem a single fight against indonesia. Rules of the game say that you can not attack if you are being attacked, even if you win one or two or nine wars against one country. Their plan was simple but effective: Romania had advanced so much into the heart of Asia that we were in the middle of the them. We were winning against Indonezia, but Russia attacked us. We fought them, but before we win, China attacked us. Next day was Iran, then it was Russia again. Romania was finnaly blocked by an alliance. Well, it was as simple as that. They do not have to win, just attack, so as to prevent us from attack.

And now, many Peace members and supporters (you have them too) are crying lou😛 let eRomania deal with Indonesia alone, we should not interfere, we should not help, we should mind our own business. In the mean time, they are coordinating their tactics and attack in packs.

Is is not obvious that they are doing what they tell you not to do ?

Many warriors from US are already in eRo, fighting for Atlantis, but I guess it is simply not enough.

We need to became an alliance, a real one, not just meetings on the red carpet, kisses and hand-shakes. Americans, stop hiding before good word and start some action. Stop saying you are an Atlantis member and start proving it.

We need our allies to block Peace members, so we can deal with Indonezia. It is Peace agains Atlantis or is it Peace against Romania ? We ask for a chance to un-block from Peace members and we will deal with Indonesia. One to One. Face to Face. That's all we ask from our allies.

There are many people living in US that are against war. Well, I tell them: go play Sim City. This game is about life, about succes, about winning. Do you want a game where you can leave in harmony with nature and universe; well, go seek it, because eRepublik sure is not it.

Other are saying that you should go on with Peace, because now Romania is attacked by far too many. What will you do when Romania, by war or agreements, will win the fight against Indo? Will you change sides again ?

US citizens, I invite you to the pleasure of this game, I invite you to discover the thrill to wake up in the morning and see if you managed to do better then you opponent, I invite you to start being an active member of Atlantis.

I am sorry, I am not a SimCity player, but I am an eRepublik player.

In real life I am against war, because people are dying for real. However, this is a game and I want to live it !

Enough about me, this article was about you, the Americans. What should you do to protect against Peace? If Romania falls, do you think Peace just stops and the world becomes better ?

It is a good moment to show that this game has two alliances, not just Peace.

It's your call. Play the game or play SimCity