Short Update from the President

Day 445, 16:04 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

I am very sorry for not being around past two days. I was rushed to ER on the Thursday night at 5th. On my right ear, there were inflammation on my ear and it was drained. I was in hospital for most of the morning of 6th in the hospital, and it was treated. The ear is fine now, and I will only have to go back on the 12th, to have my stitches on the ear removed. I am back now today, and I am rushing, and working very busy to get stuff done, and release plans, and re-organize the government.

First of all, I have posted my plead asking for congress for new tax change, and new government program. The new tax change is aimed to lower it, and to try to lower the price of our goods. I do sincerely hope that new tax will be approved from the congress, and they will propose it. Also, I had posted another plan asking for congress support which could help the food and grain market of the Japan, and help some business owners. I have asked congress for the grant and loan program aimed for Q1 food and grain companies within Japan.
The full detail for this can be found at, since I do not to copy and paste everything here.

Second, I am working very hard today to try to contact and make sure the MMP (Alliance) for this month is set and ready to go. I am hoping to resolve the Diplomacy all set and ready in next few days. I have some catch up to do, since I was not around on 6th due to the surgery. I hope they will be all set and ready to go within next 2-3 days. Definitely Korea will be contacted to discuss the future of the Relations between Korea and Japan. I am very busy responding messages, and talking with other country representative right now. As soon as it is all taken care of, I will post a update.

Also, it is true that eUK is trying to put together the summit of the country to discuss about the issue of Political take over. I had sent message back to them telling that Japan is interested in attending it. Political take over got to the point that it require steps from the nation of the world to regulate it. I hope Japan will be take part of this to talk about political take over, and how we should deal with it in the future.

Third, Cabinet is being remade, due to the fact that GLaDOS had left us, and some of the cabinet members went inactive, or did not do as good job. I am currently accepting all application to positions within Cabinet, and some of the cabinet positions are open for taking. Also, I am currently sending some messages to confirm if certain people want the job. As soon as they all had responded, and most of the positions are filled, the update will be posted. Currently, position of Secretary of Communication and Secretary of Defense is filled. The other positions have still not been decided yet, and If you are interested, please do contact me within next 24 hours.

Fourth, since many things are still been worked on, in next day or so please expect more updates from me. I am currently taking care of many issues and responding to many other IGMs, that I cannot post, and type up all of the plans. As soon as I take care of those businesses, I will get right up, and post updates, and continued plans, and ideas for this month. I am sorry for this short and ambiguous article, and update. Hopefully, in next 24 hours, I will be able to describe, and post in more death, and have more updates.