Short PCP Manifesto - October General Elections

Day 313, 15:11 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stan Wephen
The full manifesto can be found on

Since we were elected on the 1st of September we have worked hard to bring about the changes we promised in our previous manifestos.

If re-elected we will continue to apply our efforts to consolidating these changes, to thinking and working efficiently to introduce new ideas in keeping with our principles of fairness, justice, and equality alongside our vision for a strong and thriving e-nation.

Our main challenge for the coming term is the introduction of Version 1 of E-republik. We in the PCP have been tirelessly preparing for this since its announcement, and right now we're more prepared than ever to guide the E-uk through this difficult time. With the past 2 governments under our belt, we have the most experience, the most expertise and the best ability.


- Following the introduction of Version 1 and the scrapping of mayors, we at the PCP want to continue to have mayors in some form or another, either through forum voting or through NHS officials. We wish to consider all possible alternatives to this problem and as such, have no current position on this - this isn't an easy matter, and all proposals must be discussed before they are passed. However, we as the PCP are dedicated to making sure the welfare scheme continues.

- We have and will continue to craft and protect the very fabric of the E-uk society, ensuring there is someone looking after every citizen in the E-uk.


- The PCP continues its long-standing aim of introducing a set of guidelines for GM's which, if agreed on with GMs would ensure both lower prices from consumers and a degree of protection to managers whilst helping prevent the economy from re-entering crisis.

- The PCP aims to introduce the 'Housing the Homeless' scheme, where the government will take a leading role in ensuring homes for those without one. Scheduled for after Version 1 is released, we will ask for donations from people about to undergo a move up in their quality level. Once we have the homes, we will donate them to people who have signed up for the scheme on the E-uk forum.

We have and will continue to guide the development of the economy to ensure stability and security for consumers and managers alike.


-We will maintain our procedure to pick the best ministers who apply regardless of party affiliation. We understand that selection is an important process, and seek to strike a balance between experience and new promise. We will never put someone up for a task that we believe they could not perform.
-We will strive to continue the apprenticeship scheme to ensure a more wholesome viewpoint in government.
-We the PCP are also looking to introduce another house to the political system of the E-uk, not dissimilar to the 'House of Lords' we have in Real Life. This new House in government will be populated with the best experts in the many fields of E-republik: Military, Economy, Political and Social, chosen by the PP's of the top 3 political parties. These chosen will be able to look through all proposals sent through congress and look through them throughfully. In politics, sometimes the experts aren't voted into congress - this system will allow expertise to be built into government. Their main power will be to prevent a proposal going through which they believe is poorly though-out or badly written, making sure only the best policies are put into law. It will enable paratroopers, who cannot run for congress, to take an active part in politics. It will enable the economists to have a say in the economy without being affiliated with any party. It was enable the representation of the people, not just the elected, but of the best.

We have and will continue to preserve the civil liberaties of the people, ensuring representation at every level.

Military and Foreign Affairs

- We will not only continue to strengthen our internal ATLANTIS relations but also continue to build relations with nations outside the alliance.
- We will continue to be loyal to our allies, giving them aid in many forms - including military, economic and diplomatic help.
- We will improve communication and the exchanging of intelligence between the E-UK and our allies, as we believe better communication builds more trust as well as making the e-UK a more secure nation.
- We will continue to protect the sovereignty and democracy of other nations

We have and will continue to make sure the E-uk works together with other nations in the world, but at the same time are committed to the E-uk being independent and being able to stand on its own.

We are a party with principles

• We believe in supporting the less wealthy and powerful because the E-UK can only be as strong as its weakest citizen

• We believe in team work because collectively we can achieve more than one individual alone

• We believe that all e-uk citizens have a part to play and that E-UK minorities make a substantial contribution to our country

• We believe that everyone should have a say in how this country is run

• We believe that together we can make the e-uk great

• We believe in putting our principles into practice, in the way we work together in our party, in the way we work together in congress and, with your help, in the way we work together with you in government

If you have any questions about our policies, our members, or how to join the PCP feel free to ask one of our many active members.