Short lines for Free food in the aftermath

Day 1,209, 17:45 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Meanwhile in eJapan, few of our citizens are currently in line for a free lunch.

New citizens having trouble keeping their health up should contact me NOW!

Now is the time to jump in line because the wait is short!

Veteran players have adapted well in reaction to the earthquake and tsunami. Lets all ensure that lower level players are doing well also.

Company owners: If you have workers who have been active recently but have declining health and productivity, feel free to refer them to me in order to help them.

While older citizens are continuing to sip down their tea, all is not well in eJapan.
We have a missing citizen that is important in the hearts of everyone in our community. Our emperor, Kokawayoshi Makoto is missing.

We do not know whether the waves have swept the emperor away. We do however have an anonymous report that he refused to evacuate in order to stay with his owls.

Here is a recent picture of the great emperor:

Our souls depend on his safety

Everyone wish for Kokawa-sama to be okay!
