Short History of eLiverpool competition..

Day 230, 15:23 Published in United Kingdom Lithuania by benskius

Everyone to be rewarded, but rewards are not given for free... Regional Council offer the reward for eLiverpool...

The competition is for eLiverpool citizens, but... Be quick enough.. you have 48 hours to send me your stories via PM...

If none will be sent in that time, the competition will move on national range, and any citizen of eUK will be able to compete...

All what you need to do is to write: Short History of eLiverpool

Description: Use old newspaper articles, forums to restore the history of eLiverpool, local citizens and important events....

The competition will be open 2 (4) days. 2 if any competitors from eLiverpool applies, extends to next 2 days if no one local applied.

Prize money: every local (eLiverpool living) competitor who sends acceptable article via PM to me, gets 5 GBP as reward, then 1st placed - 60 GBP, 2nd - 30, 3rd - 10.

If there will only be one applicant, he becomes winner, and gets his 60 GBP, the rest of prize funds will be donated to eLiverpool account...

The stories will be judged for:

eHistorical correctness
Sense of humor
Overall impression

The jury will consist of 3 Mayors... First - Widdows, second myself and third will be revealed later...

So starting from today, I wait for your versions of eLiverpool short history till day 232 15:24..