Shock Horror! JvB Joins Every Party - No Jokes

Day 846, 16:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joachim von Bremen

Where to start? I’ve always had a big admiration for every party, and everyone who runs them. I watched as they took control of these small, sleeping parties and transformed them into political powerhouses. The great revival of these parties and their rise through British politics is unparalleled (except by eachother) and attracted lots of negative attention... from eachother. And I was one of them, and also not one of them, while being one of all of the others. I am a well known sceptic of every party, and have both fought against all of them and their policies and sided with all of them over the year I’ve been in one of them. My political satire poked fun at all of their organisation and sometimes harsh methods whilst portraying grudging respect.

Above all, I was jealous. I watched as some of the parties constantly outperformed and bested the other parties I had from time to time worked hard and fought for, how they constantly outperformed all our expectations and rose to the top half of the pack and ensured political dominance over the United Kingdom. I watched as my friends rose from position to position in a multitude of fields including politics, economics and journalism. Through working with one of them in the past they have shown vast and impressive organisational skills and I was glad when someone was elected, bringing in a multitude of changes that shifted the government into a more caring, left or right [delete as applicable] wing position.

My personal politics are that of left or right [delete as applicable] wing and socialism/capitalism [delete as applicable], even if it doesn’t always show. More often now the politics of the some people are shifting towards the left or right, both in terms of presidential elections and congressional planning. Not that that is a bad thing, but I am tired of hip hopping. I want to work towards the goal of a fairer/less fair, left/right wing Britain and I do not think staying in the party that I’m in will help me to achieve those goals. But I will also stay in it, because I’ll be in all the parties at once.

Not that I haven’t enjoyed my time as the the leader of that thing that I’m the leader of, however the party that I’m in nowadays seems to be besieged with political infighting/outfighting. Instead of working constructively towards targets we seem to lurch from one election to the next, constantly criticizing each other when not really proposing any solutions. I’ll admit I’m also guilty in this regard; it would be hypocritical of me not to confess that I also take part in the bickering. There are some really great, inspirational people within the party that I was in (and also an ever increasing number of idiots) but I think the party lacks both direction and focus, despite what I have tried to do this past month. “The Alternative”/”The Mainstream” doesn’t wash with me anymore as the party hasn’t done anything radical/mainstream in months and there is no solid/liquid concrete/tarmac policy to back up claims. Whilst I have many friends within the party that I have great respect for, I find myself disagreeing more and more with certain individuals within the party and I know several others feel the same.

To Every Party:

I've spoken to Iain, Jamesw, Steve, Lemuel, John, 70mD, Woldy, Karacticus, Meghan, Indiekid, Franciscoleite10, Emerick, GF, John again, Mozart and Dio and they’ve all ok'd the move. I come to all of you as a hardworking individual, willing to share my expertise and help in anyway I can. PMing, writing articles, helping new players out with game concepts, I’m willing to do whatever to prove to all of you and myself that I am committed to every party at once. I hope you will welcome me and not treat me with suspicion; I’m not here to spy for all the other parties that I’m a member of or w/e, I’m just a player wanting to do what’s best for the country, and that is every party.

I’d also like to say, good luck to everyone who is winning (Who look like they will win all the PP elections); good luck running the parties when all the active experienced people leave and then join again, but also joining all the other parties. For the record, I voted for MAOR LIONZ 😃
